Translation Team

English is the universal language of science, yet to make a broader impact a local language is often more effective. We recruited a Team of volunteers speaking collectively more than 14 languages. Being all active scientists, they will make sure that no microbiology content will be ‘‘lost in translation’’! 

Example of material interesting to be translated into further languages is abstracts of papers, Wikipedia pages, blog entries, or video interviews with renowned microbiologists, and much more. Our volunteers in the Translation Team are thus able with their unique subject expertise and language skills to contribute to increasing literacy and education in microbiology through targeted outreaches. 

If you want to contribute to the Team, either with regular contributions or with ad hoc tasks, or wish to get more information about the project, feel free to contact the Project Manager. 


Alejandro Tejada

Languages: Spanish
Short bio: Alejandro obtained his BSc and Msc in Spain, the PhD in Paris and he is currently postdoctoral researcher in Switzerland.
Link to personal page: Alejandro Tejada





Anaïs Biclot

Languages: French
Short bio: Anaïs is doing her PhD at the KULeuven in Belgium studying the gut microbiota.
Link to personal page: Anaïs Biclot







Carolin Kobras

Languages: German
Short bio: Carolin obtained her BSc and MSc Biology degrees at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, before she completed her PhD studies in the Department of Biology & Biochemistry at the University of Bath.
Link to personal page: Carolin Kobras





Madalina-Maria Vita

Languages: Romanian, Italian
Short bio: Madalina is doing her PhD at Utrecht University ( The Netherlands), where she studies nutrient flows and food-webs in compost as part of a multidisciplinary and applied project.
Link to personal page: Madalina-Maria Vita





Maria Bonatelli

Languages: Portuguese
Short bio: Maria is a Biologist from Brazil and she did her Master and PhD degrees at University of São Paulo/ Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (Usp/Esalq).
Link to personal page: Maria Bonatelli






Vojtech Tláskal

Languages: Czech
Short bio: He is located in Prague, Czech Republic and focuses on describing microbial functioning by molecular approaches.
Link to personal page: Vojtech Tláskal 





Yaqin Guo

Languages: Chinese
Short bio: Yaqin is a microbial ecology PhD student at the university of Hohenheim (Germany). She focuses on plant-microbial interactions, in particular on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and their investigation to improve ecological restoration and soil health. She also studies the ecotoxicity of pollutants (e.g. mercury) on microbial communities and functions.
Link to personal page: Yaqin Guo




Past volunteers

Ergün Aktürk

Marta Avramova

Vanesa Ayala

Elena Conti

Barak Dror

Tatiano Pinto

Katharina Rosenbusch

Jelena Spasic

Fabiola Vacca


FEMS Journals and Open Access

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All but one of the FEMS journals are now fully open access (OA), with one journal, FEMS Microbiology Letters remaining a subscription journal with free-to-publish and OA options. Open access is key to supporting the FEMS mission of disseminating high quality research as widely as possible: when high quality, peer reviewed sound science is open access, anyone, anywhere in the world with an internet connection, can read it.

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