About EAM

The European Academy of Microbiology (EAM) is a leadership group of eminent microbiology experts founded by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) to promote and recognize excellence in microbiology across Europe.



The mission of the EAM is to amplify the impact and visibility of microbiology and microbiologists, promoting excellence in the field across Europe and globally. It fulfills its mission through targeted programs and activities at the edges of the discipline, and communication to scientists, stakeholders and the public.


The EAM’s key activities include:

  1. Hosting influential microbiology meetings, workshops and symposia independently and at FEMS congresses
  2. Developing papers to provide expert scientific opinions on critical issues involving microbiology
  3. Showcasing top-tier microbiology research in microLife
  4. Hosting a biennial retreat


The EAM was formally inaugurated in 2009, at the 3rd FEMS Congress in the Swedish city of Gothenburg, with 100 founding fellows. Since then, the Academy’s fellowship has grown to more than 200 experts from over 30 different countries, representing the numerous and diverse branches of microbiology in Europe.

For more information about the EAM’s history, click here.

EAM Presidents

Previous EAM Executive Board members

Milton Costa, Hans-Dieter Klenk, Hilary Lappin-Scott, Philippe Sansonetti, Tone Tonjum, Regine Hengge, Oscar Kuipers, Rino Rappuoli, Gabriella Campadelli, and Victor de Lorenzo