FEMS Business Office
Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Delftechpark 37a,
2628 XJ, Delft,
The Netherlands
FEMS Registered Office (Address for all invoices)
Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Salisbury House, Station Road,
Cambridge, CB1 2LA,
United Kingdom
Thanks for your interest in FEMS. Please fill in this form if you have any questions about our activities and we’ll get back to you very soon.
Contact fems
FEMS is a charity registered in England and Wales (United Kingdom) under number 1072117. It is also registered as a Private Limited Company (“Company Limited by Guarantee and not having a Share Capital”) in England and Wales (United Kingdom) under number 3565643. Moreover, it is registered for VAT under number GB
FEMS is also registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (“Kamer van Koophandel”):