Opportunities Board

122 results

Welcome to the FEMS Opportunities Board. Here you can find opportunities varying from events and jobs, to awards, grants, and useful resources. In the above field you can search within all opportunities. You can also browse through our opportunity categories by selecting the filtering options. 

To submit your event, job, funding or interesting projects to promote to the wider microbiology community on the FEMS Opportunities Board, please complete our opportunities form.

Useful resources
FEMS Webinar Library

Welcome to the FEMS webinars, online events to help you take part in scientific discussion, wherever you are.[...]

Useful resources
BacDive - The Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase

The BacDive database of the Leibniz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbH is the[...]

Useful resources
BacteriaGame: card game to learn clinical microbiology in a fun way

The French Society for Microbiology (Société française de microbiologie) has supported the development of a new game[...]

Superbugs: A new interactive & interdisciplinary education resource about the microbial word

Introducing a new interactive and multilingual educational resource to raise the awareness and increase[...]

Global Antimicrobial Stewardship Hub

BSAC is delighted to announce the launch of the Global Antimicrobial Stewardship Hub, dedicated to meeting the[...]

Peer Review
How to Peer Review: Writing the review and getting recognition

The Editors-in-Chief of FEMS Microbes explain to Early Career Scientists (ECS) how to write a peer review, and ways[...]

Peer Review
How to Peer Review: A two-step approach

The Editors-in-Chief of FEMS Microbes illustrate to Early Career Scientists (ECS) a two-step appraoch to peer review[...]

Peer Review
How to Peer Review: An Introduction by FEMS Microbes

The Editors-in-Chief of FEMS Microbes introduces to Early Career Scientists (ECS) how to peer review a manuscript.[...]

Peer Review
Nature Masterclass on Peer Review

This class is for free (only registration is needed), has 4 modules and takes about 3-4 h to complete. The lessons[...]

Useful resources

#ScienceForUkraine is a community group of volunteer students and research scientists from academic institutions in[...]

Common European Curriculum for Degrees in Health Sciences

The FEMS Education Group has drafted a guideline curriculum for Degrees in Health Science. The aim is to provide[...]

Peer Review
Peer Review resources by Sense about Science

Sense about Science has been interested in sharing the importance of peer review for over ten years. They created a[...]

Useful resources
Microbiology Society supporting authors with fee-free Open Access: Publish and Read

The Microbiology Society is expanding its Publish and Read programme, aiming to help more researchers participate in[...]

Grants & funding
Research Funding Database - scientifyRESEARCH

Research funding information tends to be scattered across the internet and more often than not, you find out about[...]

Useful resources
International Microorganism Day - Recorded Talks

International Microorganism Day is celebrated on the 17th September. This day is an opportunity to promote the[...]

Grants & funding
Unlocking Potential Fund: Microbiology Society’s new fundraising initiative

The Microbiology Society has launched its first fundraising initiative for members who may require support to[...]

Useful resources
Best practices reports by the EU-JAMARAI

The EU-Joint Action Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections  (EU-JAMRAI) aims to foster[...]

Useful resources
Bad Bugs Bookclub

First established in 2009, the Bad Bugs Bookclub, led by Joanna Verran from the Manchester Metropolitan University,[...]

FEMS Podcast: Microbes and Us

Microbes and Us is brought to you by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Launched in May 2021 this[...]

Useful resources
Layman Report by the EU-JAMRAI

The EU-Joint Action Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections  (EU-JAMRAI) aims to foster[...]

Useful resources
AMR Policy Briefs by the EU-JAMRAI

The EU-Joint Action Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections  (EU-JAMRAI) aims to foster[...]

Useful resources
The AMR Studio: Podcast by the Uppsala Antibiotic Center

The AMR Studio is a podcast dedicated to highlighting the multidisciplinary research on antimicrobial resistance[...]

Useful resources
STEMcognito video platform

STEMcognito is a depository of videos aimed at sharing and advancing knowledge in STEM in an easily accessible,[...]

Useful resources
Antimicrobial Viewpoints: GARDP

Antimicrobial Viewpoints are originally published on the REVIVE website revive.gardp.org, an activity of the Global[...]

Useful resources
Book: Small, Smaller, the Smallest – Essays on Microbiology

Marking the 60th anniversary of the Slovenian Microbiological Society was the publication of the book “Small,[...]

Useful resources
Abstracts from the International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology (ICYGMB)

The International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology (ICYGMB) takes place every two years and aims[...]

Useful resources
Antimicrobial Encyclopaedia by GARDP

The Global Antibiotic Research and Development Partnership (GARDP) at the end of October 2020 launched the[...]

Useful resources
EU-JAMRAI: Launch Micro-Combat App

The European Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections (EU-JAMRAI) in[...]

Useful resources
EMA recommends COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna for authorisation in the EU

EMA has recommended granting a conditional marketing authorisation for COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna to prevent[...]

Useful resources
First Global Antibiotic Resistance Symbol

EU-JAMRAI has announced the winner of the Antibiotic Resistance Symbol earlier this month! The winning symbol[...]

Useful resources
AMR Voices: Stories From AMR Frontlines During Covid-19

The Longitude Prize announced the launch of AMR Voices – stories from the frontlines of antibiotic resistance[...]

Peer Review
Master Peer Review with the Publons Academy

The Publons Academy is a free, online peer review training course for early career researchers. Developed together[...]

Peer Review
Peer Reviewing Tips

F1000Research has put together a list of specific examples, tips and suggestions for reviewers needing support in[...]

Peer Review
Ethical guidelines for peer reviewers

COPE (the Committee on Publication Ethics) has produced some guidelines which set out the basic principles and[...]

Peer Review
Peer Review Center of the Public Library of Science

Everything you need to write a peer review right now: A collection of free training and resources for peer reviewers[...]

Peer Review
EASE Peer Reviewer Toolkit

The European Association of Science Editors (EASE) curated a Peer Reviewer Toolkit. All of the resources are freely[...]

Useful resources
Oxford University Press (OUP) COVID-19 Learning Resources.

Like many organizations, OUP is taking the threat posed by the coronavirus seriously. Our teams across the world are[...]

Fighting AMR
Review on Antimicrobial Resistance

“The Review on Antimicrobial Resistance, was commissioned in July 2014 by the UK Prime Minister, who asked[...]

Fighting AMR
Resource directory for the prevention and control of AMR and healthcare-associated infections

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) presents a directory of resources aiming at preventing[...]

Useful resources
How to make sourdough bread

Put microbes to work by making some delicious sourdough bread. Easy to follow infographic and teaching resources by[...]

Useful resources
How to make a Winogradsky column

Lean how to grow microbes that live out in nature with your very own Winogradsky Column. Find all the details in the[...]

Useful resources
NBIC #BiofilmAware campaign resources

The National Biofilms Innovation Centre (NBIC) are pleased to announce the launch of their biofilm awareness[...]

Useful resources
10 Inspirational Women in Microbiology Infographic

To celebrate IWD on 8 March, we have put together the following beautiful infographic showcasing 10 inspirational[...]

Useful resources
52Microorganisms Open Source Project

Across 2019 and the start of 2020, each week for 52 weeks we produced a short informative video about a[...]

Useful resources
Antibiotics and You

An introduction to antibiotic resistant infections This new short course aims to increase your general understanding[...]

Useful resources
Inside Corona

This initiative is the result of an international team of researchers coming together to contribute to the global[...]

Useful resources
Ask a scientist

Ask a scientist is an initiative developed by the Federation of American Scientists in collaboration with the New[...]

Useful resources
Coronaviruses: a paradigm of new emerging zoonotic diseases

18-02-2020 A priority paper providing an expert perspective on coronaviruses, which is free-to-access for all, has[...]

Useful resources
Position paper on Novel Human Pathogenic Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

26-03-2020 Eminent virologists Luis Enjuanes, Isabel Sola and Sonia Zúñiga at the Coronavirus Laboratory at the[...]

Useful resources
Science|Business - Coronavirus R&D Gateway

A one-stop-shop for tools and information sources supporting the ongoing efforts to defeat the Covid19 pandemic[...]

Useful resources
Oxford COVID-19 Evidence Service

A collection of quality evidence for healthcare and medicine concerning COVID-19, from the Centre for Evidence-Based[...]

Useful resources
Preventing COVID-19 Misinformation: A Guide for Scientists

While facing down the COVID-19 pandemic, we are also facing a pandemic of misinformation surrounding COVID-19. This[...]

Useful resources
Publons: COVID-19 Related Publications for Review

  COVID-19: how you can help COVID-19 research is moving at a rapid pace and we’re calling on everyone in[...]

Useful resources
ASM: COVID-19 Research Registry

Top COVID-19 research: timely, curated and vetted by experts ASM is keeping the pulse of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. In[...]

Useful resources
COVID-19 Data Portal

The COVID-19 Data Portal An unprecedented number of scientific efforts are taking place worldwide in order to help[...]

Useful resources
Global MediXchange for Combating COVID-19 (GMCC)

Sharing and cooperation is the best prescription to fight against the new unknown virus. The Jack Ma Foundation and[...]

Useful resources
Expert update on the SARS-CoV2 coronavirus causing the COVID-19 outbreak

This expert update on the SARS-CoV2 coronavirus comes just six weeks after we asked two virologists to give us[...]

Useful resources
Expert statement on coronavirus (COVID-19)

The following commentary has been provided by Nicolas Locker, Professor of Virology, University of Surrey[...]

Useful resources
Crowdfight COVID-19

An initiative from the scientific community Crowdfight COVID-19 is a platform aiming to redirect scientific[...]

Useful resources
HHMI BioInteractive: Providing real science, real stories, and real data to engage students in exploring the living world

Empowering Educators. Inspiring Students. HHMI BioInteractive brings the power of real science stories into high[...]

Useful resources
FutureLearn free educational course on COVID-19

Learn what is COVID-19 and how might the outbreak affect you. Find out more about coronavirus and explore its[...]

Useful resources
Interactive Media: Community of Microbes

It’s a microbes world, we’re just living in it! We invite you to step into a colourful immersive world[...]

Useful resources
Proteome Atlas of Komagataella phaffii (Pichia pastoris)

An output from: A subcellular proteome atlas of the yeast Komagataella phaffii in FEMS Yeast Research Authors:[...]

Useful resources
Standard European Vector Architecture (SEVA) - plasmid database

WHAT IS SEVA The Standard European Vector Architecture (SEVA) platform is a web-based resource and a material[...]

Useful resources
Curriculum Guidelines for General Microbiology

The FEMS Education Group has drafted a guideline curriculum for teaching Microbiology at B.Sc. level with[...]

Useful resources
Microseum: a virtual museum of microbes

Microseum is a virtual museum of microbes (with English and Croatian language options) It is one of the results of[...]

Useful resources
Microbiology from A to Z - From Micropia

This beautiful online collection of clearly written introductions to important concepts and microbes in microbiology[...]

Useful resources
Crash Course: Biology YouTube Video Series

Hank Green teaches a visually engaging crash course on biology with this series of high quality YouTube videos.[...]

Sharing Success: Building Impact Brick by Brick

the microbiology community’s storytelling contest From specialist groups in emerging topics to advocacy groups[...]

Useful resources
Interactive Media: Bacterial World

This beautiful and interactive website from the Museum of Natural History, Unviersity of Oxford, contains amazing[...]

Useful resources
Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in Europe 2018

The results presented in this report are based on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) data from invasive isolates[...]

Useful resources
Surveillance of antimicrobial consumption in the EU/EEA

This report by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control details antimicrobial consumption in the[...]

Useful resources
Survey of healthcare workers’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviours on antibiotics, antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance in the EU/EEA

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control have published the results of their survey of healthcare[...]

Fighting AMR
Antimicrobial Resistance Resources - The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), United Nations

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international[...]

Useful resources
Publications and Results by the EU-JAMRAI

The EU-Joint Action Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections  (EU-JAMRAI) aims to foster[...]

Useful resources
Wellcome Trust Reports - Drug-resistant infections: transforming the global response

The Wellcome Trust has produce a series of policy reports and consultations aimed at combating AMR: Reports and[...]

Useful resources
Antimicrobial Therapy - Collection of Expert Reviews

The Antimicrobial Therapy Thematic Issue of FEMS Microbiology Reviews includes reviews dealing with specific[...]

Useful resources
Averting the AMR crisis - Policy Brief

From the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies  a partnership, hosted by WHO/Europe, which includes[...]

Useful resources
New teaching videos available from Microbiology at NUI Galway, Ireland

Check out our new teaching initiative, just launched by Microbiology at NUI Galway, Ireland: 40 instructional[...]

Useful resources
New project in Efficient Biomass Supply Chains for Sustainable Chemical Production

ICT-BIOCHAIN – ICT Tools in Efficient Biomass Supply Chains for Sustainable Chemical Production. Follow[...]

Fighting AMR
Book: Superbugs: An Arms Race Against Bacteria

Antibiotics are powerful drugs that can prevent and treat infections, but they are becoming less effective as a[...]

Fighting AMR
Antibiotic Prescription in Ireland.

The Health Service Executive (HSE) in Ireland have produced this practical guide in order to aid antibiotic[...]

Useful resources
Under the Weather - a practical guide.

The Health Service Executive (HSE) in Ireland have developed a practical guide to help you (the patient) when you[...]

Fighting AMR
Antibiotic Awareness Resources - forearmed is forewarned!

Public Health England are driving the need for antibiotic awareness and self responsibility in terms of our[...]

Fighting AMR
Microbes and Antibiotics - what are they all about anyway?

A fun way to teach both adults and students about microbes and the respective antibiotics used to treat the[...]

Fighting AMR
Antibiotic Awareness - A Welsh perspective.

The onus on us to be mindful of antibiotics and their resistance has never been more important. Only when we know[...]

Fighting AMR
European Antibiotic Awareness Day: Campaigns across Europe

It is important to be aware of the risks associated with taking antibiotics and more importantly what the[...]

Fighting AMR
European Commission AMR Fact sheet

Antimicrobial resistance is recognized as being one of the greatest threats to human health. It is estimated that by[...]

Useful resources
Partnering with AMR Centre

We are looking for AMR projects that help address the WHO priority list, namely: Clinical treatments for[...]

Microbiology Heroes Hall of Fame

The teacher that nudged you to study life sciences, the pioneer that saved many lives – we are surrounded by[...]

Contributing to the Journals

Over the last 40 years we’ve launched five highly-respected journals which fund our philanthropic and campaigning[...]

Useful resources
The Microbes Fight Back: Antibiotic Resistance

What will a future of continued antibiotic resistance look like? How can human activities prevent the rise of[...]

Useful resources
The New Bacteriology - Royal Society special issue

Royal Society Publishing has recently published a special issue of Philosophical Transactions B entitled The new[...]

Fighting AMR
WHO - world report on surveillance

WHO world report that gives as accurate a picture as is presently possible of the magnitude of AMR and the current[...]

FEMS partners with PeerWith

PeerWith allows you to find manuscript preparation services including language editing and figure drawing by[...]

Useful resources
FREE software to evaluate patents

IPscore is a FREE software to evaluate patents, technologies and research projects. It allows you to analyse,[...]

Joint BIA and BTS Dilemma Day 2025

This is the 7th BIA Dilemmas in Infection Day and the 1st Joint Dilemmas day with the British Thoracic Society. The[...]

PostDoc positions
Postdoc position in Chronomicrobiology (Circadian Biology and Microbiology)

We are hiring a post doctoral scientist to join our international ERC Synergy-funded team of chronomicrobiologists,[...]

Cellular microbiologist

Job opportunity for a cellular microbiologist in a supportive environment We are currently looking for a researcher[...]

Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Conference 2025: A free online conference organised by GARDP and BSAC

Join us for ACC2025, the open-access, virtual conference which is jointly organized by GARDP and BSAC in[...]

Free online REVIVE Webinar: In vitro and in vivo correlations for prediction of human pharmacokinetics and dose of antimicrobials

Speakers: – Anna Hirsch, Head of drug design and optimization. Helmholtz Institute for Pharmaceutical Research[...]

Associate Professorship of Cell and Molecular Biology

Sir William Dunn School of Pathology and Lady Margaret Hall. We are seeking to appoint an Associate Professor of[...]

Associate Professor/Professor in Microbial Biofilms

The University of Southampton, together with the National Biofilms Innovation Centre (NBIC) have an exciting[...]

17th European Conference on Fungal Genetics - ECFG17

The next European Conference on Fungal Genetics will take place on 2-5 March 2025 in Dublin, Ireland. Save the date![...]

34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Virology

Dear colleagues and friends, or just ‘Moin’ as we say here in the international city of Hamburg, We look forward to[...]

Annual Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology

Subject areas: Microbiology, Virology, Bacteriology, Bacteriology, Biochemistry, Ecology, Ecology, Biotechnology,[...]

Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2025

The Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2025 will take place Monday 31 March–Thursday 3 April at Liverpool ACC.[...]

Joint symposium of the Centre for Emerging Viruses and the Centre for Vaccinology

The joint symposium of the Centre for Emerging Viruses and the Centre for Vaccinology will, this year, address[...]

1st International Conference on Advancements of Microbiology The relevance of microbes in tackling threats to health and environment

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we invite you to attend the 1st International Conference on Advancements of[...]

EMBO | EMBL Symposium Wild frontiers of model organisms

Date: 8 – 11 Apr 2025 Location: EMBL Heidelberg and Virtual[...]

11th European Spores Conference

Sponsored by a FEMS Meeting Organizer Grant 8-10 April 2025

Emerging Microbial Technologies 2025

Welcome to the Emerging Microbial Technologies conference 2025 It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 2nd[...]

9th European Congress of Virology 2025

Dear colleagues, We are cordially inviting you to join us in the wonderful old city of Dubrovnik for 2025 European[...]

3.5 years Senior Postdoct Position-Nutraceuticals-IUOPA-University of Oviedo


Biofilms 11 – Interdisciplinary Momentum: Accelerating Biofilm Research and Innovation Across Boundaries

Abstract submission for Biofilms 11 is now open until 23:59 GMT on Monday 3 February 2025. Biofilms 11 is the latest[...]

Conference: Applied Bioinformatics & Public Health Microbiology

The 10th Applied Bioinformatics and Public Health Microbiology conference serves as a multidisciplinary forum to[...]

MedVetPathogens 2025

Sponsored by a FEMS Meeting Organizer Grant 26-29 May 2025  

10th Symposium on Antimicrobial Resistance in Animals and the Environment

Area of expertise: Environmental medicine, human medicine (One health), antimicrobial resistance, pharmacologists,[...]

FEMS MICRO Milan 2025: Congress & Exhibition

The global microbiology community is gearing up for the much anticipated FEMS MICRO 2025: Congress & Exhibition,[...]

Microscopy Conference MC 2025

We are pleased to welcome you to the Microscopy Conference MC 2025, which will take place from August 31st to[...]

FEMS Summer School for Postdocs 2025

The FEMS Summer School for Postdocs aims to foster a mindset of translating cutting-edge technologies from the[...]

13th International Conference of Predictive Modelling in Food!

Dear Colleagues, Here we are!  I would like to invite you to the 13th International Conference of Predictive[...]