FEMS Podcast: Microbes and Us

Microbes and Us is brought to you by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Launched in May 2021 this podcast aims to host insightful conversations with inspiring people from the international microbiology community.

Our FEMS communication gurus, Joseph Shuttleworth and Eleni Koursari, will bring you a monthly episode featuring guests from every corner of the microbial world. Whether you are a scientist, a lover of microbes, or you just want to join in with our fun microbiology community, then this is the podcast for you!

We hope you enjoy these episodes and stay tuned for many more! You can find Microbes and Us on a huge range of podcast platforms: AnchorSpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsPocket Casts, BreakerOvercastRadioPublic.




Our first few episodes include:

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