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– The call for applications to the Summer School for Postdocs 2024 is now closed – 


Applicants must be currently working in a postdoctoral position, or have completed a postdoc within the 5-year period before the FEMS Summer School (i.e. during 2 September 2019 – 10 September 2024). They may also be currently working in a postdoctoral position with a PhD defense in view. Please note, periods of maternity/paternity leave and/or long-term illness do not count towards this 5-year limit.

During the submission process, applicants are asked to provide:

  1. a CV including Publications.
  2. a short letter of motivation (maximum 1 side of A4)
  3. a summary of their current and future research topics
  4. a letter of support from their supervisor/manager

Applicants will be selected based on the merit of their applications in the areas listed below. An additional selection criterion will be to ensure geographical variety, reflecting the FEMS membership base with representation of many European countries and for a cohort that reflects the diversity of the microbiological community.

  • quality and originality of their current and planned research
  • evidence of interest and ability in the field of microbiology
  • commitment to personal development
  • significance and potential value of proposed future research topics
How to submit your application
  1. Log in to your myFEMS user account. Don’t have one? Create your myFEMS user account here.
  2. Once logged in, select the Summer School application form from the ‘Announcements’ section.
  3. Fill in the form. Want to save and come back to finish later? Just hit ‘Save’ at the bottom left corner of the form and you can come back later and continue the application by clicking on ‘My applications’.
  4. Contact should you encounter any issues during your application.

Successful applicants will work collaboratively according to our values and policies in relation to diversity and creating a positive study environment. They will act as ambassadors engaging in FEMS and MedILS communications activities including, but not necessarily limited to, potential interviews, spotlights, photographs, video, or social media activity.


In our drive to streamline best practices, we have enacted policies that underpin the way FEMS as an organization does its work and interacts with its staff, the wider microbiological community, and the world. To ensure everyone is treated with dignity and respect, all attendees to the Summer School will be subject to our policies on equal opportunities and bullying and harassment.

Menu: Introduction – ApplicationsProgramme – Gallery

FEMS Journals and Open Access

Embracing an Open Future

All but one of the FEMS journals are now fully open access (OA), with one journal, FEMS Microbiology Letters remaining a subscription journal with free-to-publish and OA options. Open access is key to supporting the FEMS mission of disseminating high quality research as widely as possible: when high quality, peer reviewed sound science is open access, anyone, anywhere in the world with an internet connection, can read it.

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