Industry Placement Grants

Members of FEMS Member Societies can apply for our grants. Industry Placement Grants assist early career scientists to gain experience at a European host industry. Any industry, including non-laboratory work, can be considered as long as relevant for microbiology. These grants may be used to contribute to travel, accommodation and subsistence costs of making the visit. Support is limited to a maximum of €5000.


What are FEMS Industry Placement Grants?


Applicants should be active microbiologists, having obtained their highest degree less than five years prior to the application deadline date or be a PhD student*. They should be a member of a FEMS Member Society.

More information on this grant scheme are available on these slides.

*periods of maternity/paternity leave, special leave or illness do not count toward this definition

How to apply

Deadline to apply for FEMS Industry Placement Grants are 1  January and 1 July of each year. Projects should start within 12 months once granted.

You can apply via our Grants submission system. In order to apply, you need a FEMS profile/account.

  1. Please create an account here or login with your credentials here.
  2. Once logged in to your FEMS profile, you can access the application forms for our Grants via this link.

You can also find the application forms at any time within your FEMS profile/account:

  • login to your FEMS profile
  • then under ‘Announcements’ click on the ‘Apply for a FEMS Grant’
  • select the grant you wish to apply for
  • fill in the form, save your progress and come back to and once you are ready – Submit


Participating industries

Are you working in a company related to microbiology who is interested in hosting FEMS Industry Placement Grantees, or you know someone who might? Then you can express your interest or nominate them using this form.

Join the Collaboration Portal

As an Early Career Scientist, do you want to apply for a FEMS Industry Placement Grant, but do not have any contact in industry yet? As an industry professional, to you want to find excellent applicants, and indicate your availability to host grantees? Then join the Collaboration Portal dedicated to Industry Placement Grants! This is a space where applicants and industries can connect and jointly prepare a work plan needed to apply.

FEMS Journals and Open Access

Embracing an Open Future

All but one of the FEMS journals are fully open access (OA), with one journal, FEMS Microbiology Letters, offering free-to-publish and OA options. Open access is key to supporting the FEMS mission of disseminating high quality research as widely as possible: when high quality, peer reviewed sound science is open access, anyone, anywhere in the world with an internet connection, can read it.

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