Our Partners

We partner with several organisations to provide services to our community of experts:

Oxford University Press (OUP) – As our not-for-profit publishing partner, OUP manage the publication of scientific papers in each of our journals. We use the ScholarOne Manuscripts system for author submission, and for editors and reviewers involved in our peer-review process. Head to the Journal Portal to explore our journals.


Publons – We partner with publons to make it quick and easy for researchers to track and demonstrate a more complete record of their impact as a cited author, journal editor, and peer reviewer for FEMS, all in one place. If you can see the Publons pages for the FEMS journals via this link.


Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) – FEMS is committed to provide the highest standards in research ethics.  We are a member of COPE, which is the leading organization providing guidance in thinking on publication ethics with practical resources to educate and support the research community.


Society Publishers’ Coalition – This is a group of likeminded, not-for-profit learned societies and membership charities who publish as part of their charitable objectives and who re-invest the surplus from their publishing into the disciplinary communities they serve. The members share the common ambition to improve the efficiency of the scholarly communication ecosystem for the benefit of researchers and society at large in a fair and sustainable way.

FEMS Journals and Open Access

Embracing an Open Future

All but one of the FEMS journals are fully open access (OA), with one journal, FEMS Microbiology Letters, offering free-to-publish and OA options. Open access is key to supporting the FEMS mission of disseminating high quality research as widely as possible: when high quality, peer reviewed sound science is open access, anyone, anywhere in the world with an internet connection, can read it.

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