Our esteemed fellows comprise the European Academy of Microbiology (EAM). Below you will find a full list of our EAM Fellows.
name | Subject Area / Affiliation (country) |
Chantal ABERGEL | Environmental Virology, Structural Biology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics / Aix-Marseille University (France) |
Martin ACKERMANN | Molecular Microbial Ecology / ETH Zurich (Switzerland) |
Ruedi AEBERSOLD | Molecular Systems Biology / ETH Zurich (Switzerland) |
Sonja Verena ALBERS (@Archaellum) | Molecular Biology of Archaea / University of Freiburg (Germany) |
Jeff ALMOND | Vaccinology / University of Oxford (England) |
Shoshy, ALTUVIA | Microbiology and Molecular Genetics / The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) |
Rudolf AMANN | Molecular Ecology / MPI for Marine Microbiology (Germany) |
Dan I. ANDERSSON | Bacterial Genetics & Evolution, Antibiotic Resistance / Uppsala University (Sweden) |
Siv G. E. ANDERSSON | Cell and Molecular Biology / Uppsala University (Sweden) |
Irini, ANGELIDAKI | Bioresource Technologies / Technical University of Denmark (Denmark) |
Judy ARMITAGE (@Armitage_Judi) | Department of Biochemistry / University of Oxford (England) |
Cecilia ARRAIANO (@ArraianoLab) | Control of Gene Expression, RNA, Synthetic Biology / NOVA University Lisbon (Portugal) |
Nathalie Q. BALABAN | Lab of Self-Replicating Matter / Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) |
Petr BALDRIAN | Environmental Microbiology / The Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic) |
Dennis H. BAMFORD | Molecular Virology / University of Helsinki (Finland) |
Fernando BAQUERO | Microbial Evolutionary Biology & Antibiotic Resistance / Ramón y Cajal Institute for Research in Biomedicine IRYCIS (Spain) |
Frédéric BARRAS (@FredBarras) | Stress Adaptation and Metabolism in Enterobacteria / Pasteur Institute (France) |
Ralf BARTENSCHLAGER | Molecular Virology / University Hospital Heidelberg (Germany) |
Marek BASLER (@Basler_Lab) | Bacterial Virulence and T6SS / Biozentrum, University of Basel (Switzerland) |
Edward BAYER | The Cellulosome Complex Lab / The Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) |
Dörte BECHER | Microbial Proteomics / University of Greifswald (Germany) |
Oded BEJA (@BejaLab) | Environmental Genomics of Marine Microbes / Technion Israel Institute of Technology (Israel) |
Sigal BEN-YEHUDA (@sigalby) | Social Microbiology, Bacterial Sporulation / Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) |
Aude, BERNHEIM | Microbiology and Genetics / Pasteur Institute (France) |
Mervyn BIBB | Molecular Microbiology / John Innes Centre (England) |
Oliver BILLKER | Molecular Infection Medicine / Umeå University (Sweden) |
Melanie BLOKESCH (@MBlokesch) | Molecular Microbiology / EPFL Lausanne (Switzerland) |
Antje BOETIUS | Deep Sea Ecology and Technology / Alfred Wegener Institute (Germany) |
Elizaveta BONCH-OSMOLOVSKAYA | Diversity & Ecology of Thermophiles / Moscow University (Russia) |
Axel BRAKHAGE | Molecular Biotechnology and Fungal Biology / HKI and Leibniz Institute (Germany) |
Erhard BREMER | Molecular Microbiology / Philipps University of Marburg (Germany) |
Roland BROSCH | Integrated Mycobacterial Pathogenomics / Pasteur Institute (France) |
Harald BRUSSOW | Clinical Microbiology and Virology / Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) |
Carmen BUCHRIESER (@cbuch2) | Biology of Intracellular Bacteria / Pasteur Institute (France) |
Dirk BUMANN | Metabolism of Bacterial Pathogens / Biozentrum, University of Basel (Switzerland) |
Stephen BUSBY (@busbysjw) | Microbiology and Infection / University of Birmingham (England) |
Gabriella CAMPADELLI-FIUME | Virology of Herpes / University of Bologna (Italy) |
Emmanuelle CHARPENTIER (@manue_lab) | Infection Biology / Max Planck Unit for the Science of Pathogens (Germany) |
Ilan CHET | Plant Pathology and Microbiology / Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel) |
Stewart T. COLE | Microbial Pathogenesis / Pasteur Institute (France) |
Jean-François COLLET | Bacterial Stress Responses / Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) |
Guy CORNELIS | Bacterial Pathogenesis / University of Namur (Belgium) |
Pascale COSSART | Bacteria-Cell Interactions / Pasteur Institute (France) |
Patrice COURVALIN | Antibiotics and Antimicrobial Resistance / Pasteur Institute (France) |
Antoine DANCHIN | Bacterial Genomics / Stellate Therapeutics, Institute Cochin (France) |
Isabel DELANY | Molecular Biology and Bacteriology / GSK (Italy) |
Victor DE LORENZO (@vdlorenzo_CNB) | Molecular Environmental Microbiology / National Center for Biotechnology (Spain) |
Willem M. DE VOS | Microbial Ecology, Physiology & Genetics / Wageningen University (The Netherlands) |
Christoph DEHIO | Bacterial Pathogenesis / Biozentrum, University of Basel (Switzerland) |
Petra DERSCH (@pdersch) | Microbial Pathogenesis and Infection Biology of Intestinal Pathogens / University of Münster (Germany) |
Ulrich DOBRINDT | Microbial Genome Plasticity / University of Münster (Germany) |
Charles J. DORMAN | Bacterial Gene Regulation / Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) |
Nicole DUBILIER (@Chemosym) | Microbial Symbioses / MPI for Marine Microbiology (Germany) |
Leo EBERL (@leberl2) | Plant and Microbial Biology / University of Zurich (Switzerland) |
Monika EHLING-SCHULZ | University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (Germany) |
Dusko EHRLICH (@SDEhrlich) | Human Microbiome / Metagenopolis, INRAE (France) |
Martin EMBLEY | Evolutionary Molecular Biology / Newcastle University (England) |
Tobias ERB (@erblabs) | Metabolic Engineering, Microbial Biochemistry & Physiology / MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology (Germany) |
Jeff ERRINGTON | Bacterial Cell Biology / University of Sydney (Australia) |
Alain FILLOUX (@FillouxLab) | Bacterial Pathogenesis & Molecular Bacteriology/ Imperial College London (England) |
Patrick FORTERRE (@PatrickForterre) | Molecular Biology of Gene in Extremophiles / Pasteur Institute (France) |
Kevin FOSTER | Evolutionary Biology / University of Oxford (England) |
Bärbel FRIEDRICH | Bacterial Metabolism / Humboldt University (Germany) |
Geoff GADD (@GeoMBiol) | Geomicrobiology, Mycology, Environmental Biotechnology / University of Dundee (Scotland) |
Francisco GARCIA–DEL PORTILLO | Intracellular Bacterial Pathogens / Centro Nacional de Biotecnología -CSIC (Spain) |
Mikhail S. GELFAND | Bioinformatics / Russian Academy of Science (Russia) |
Kenn GERDES | Bacterial Stress Response and Persistence / University of Copenhagen (Denmark) |
Jean-Marc GHIGO | Genetics of Biofilms / Pasteur Institute (France) |
Philippe GLASER | Ecology and Evolution of Antibiotics Resistance / Pasteur Institute (France) |
Anne GLOVER (@AnneGlover_EU) | Molecular Microbiology / Royal Society of Edinburgh (Scotland) |
Werner GOEBEL | Bacterial Pathogenicity / University of Würzburg (Germany) |
Friedrich GÖTZ | Microbial Genetics / University of Tübingen (Germany) |
Uri GOPHNA (@ugophna) | Microbial Evolution and Microbiome / Tel Aviv University (Israel) |
Isabel GORDO (@gordoisabel1) | Evolutionary Genetics of Bacteria / Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (Portugal) |
Lone GRAM | Bacterial Eco-Physiology And Biotechnology / Technical University of Denmark (Denmark) |
Simonetta GRIBALDO | Taxonomy, Systematics and Evolution / Institut Pasteur (France) |
Angelika GRÜNDLING | Cell-Wall Biogenesis of Bacterial Pathogens / Imperial College London (England) |
Jörg HACKER | Molecular Infection Biology / German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (Germany) |
Otto HALLER | Virology / University Medical Center Freiburg (Germany) |
Wolf-Dietrich HARDT | Salmonella Pathogenesis / ETH Zurich (Switzerland) |
Ian HEAD | Synthetic Biology and Bioeconomy / Newcastle University (England) |
Michael HECKER | Microbial Physiology and Molecular Biology / University of Greifswald (Germany) – retired |
Jürgen HEESEMANN | Medical Microbiology / Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Germany) |
Franz X. HEINZ | Virology / Medical University of Vienna (Austria) |
Regine HENNGE | Bacterial Biofilms and Stress Response / Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany) |
Anat A. HERSKOVITS | Molecular microbiology, ”-omics” and bioinformatics / Tel Aviv University (Israel) |
Birgitta HENRIQUES-NORMARK (@BHN_Lab) | Clinical Microbiology / Karolinska Institute (Sweden) |
Jay HINTON (@jay_salsa) | Functional and Comparative Genomics / University of Liverpool (England) |
Niels HØIBY | Bacteriology / University of Copenhagen (Denmark) |
David HOLDEN | Bacteriology & Infection / Imperial College London (England) |
David HOPWOOD | Microbial Natural Products / John Innes Centre (England) |
Angela IVASK | Microbial Genetics / University of Tartu (Estonia) |
Urs JENAL (@urs_jenal) | Signaling in Bacterial Infection / Biozentrum, University of Basel (Switzerland) |
Mike JETTEN (@msmjetten) | Environmental Biotechnology / Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands) |
Stipan JONJIC | Viral Immunology / University of Rijeka (Croatia) |
Bo Barker JØRGENSEN | Geomicrobiology and Marine Microbial Ecology / Aarhus University (Denmark) |
Regine KAHMANN | Molecular Phytopathology / MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology (Germany) |
Anna KARNKOWSKA | Eukaryotic Microbiology / University of Warsaw (Poland) |
Roy KISHONY (@RoyKishony) | Antibiotic Resistance / Technion Israel Institute of Technology (Israel) |
Maia KIVISAAR | Bacterial Genetics and Evolution / University of Tartu (Estonia) |
Boris KLEMPA | Virology / Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia) |
Éva KONDOROSI | Symbiosis and Molecular Ecology / Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary) |
Hans-Georg KRÄUSSLICH | Virology / University Hospital Heidelberg (Germany) |
Mart KRUPOVIC | Archaeal Virology / Institut Pasteur (France) |
Oscar P. KUIPERS (@OscarKuipers1) | Molecular Genetics, Host-Microbe Interactions, Protein Engineering / University of Groningen (The Netherlands) |
Marcel KUYPERS | Biogeochemistry / MPI for Marine Microbiology (Germany) |
Rob LAVIGNE | Gene Technology / KU Leuven (Belgium) |
Sarah LEBEER | Microbiologist & Bioengineer / University of Antwerp (Belgium) |
Marc LECUIT | Infection / Institut Pasteur (France) |
Hilary LAPPIN-SCOTT (@lappinscott) | Microbial Biofilms / Cardiff University (Wales) |
Iñigo LASA UZCUDUN (@lasa_lab) | Microbial Pathogenesis and Biofilms / Navarrabiomed Biomedical Research Center (Spain) |
Bruno LEMAÎTRE | Insect Immunity, Insect Endosymbionts and Entomopathogens / EPFL Lausanne (Switzerland) |
Ruth LEY (@RuthLeyMicro) | Microbiome Science / MPI for Developmental Biology (Germany) |
Daniel LOPEZ (@lopesrra) | Molecular Infection Biology / National Center for Biotechnology (Spain) |
Julius LUKEŠ | Parasitology and Molecular Biology of Protists / Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic) |
Ines MANDIC-MULEC | Environmental Microbiology / University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) |
Didier MAZEL (@amazeld) | Bacterial Genome Plasticity / Pasteur Institute (France) |
Thomas MEYER | Bacterial Infection and Human Carcinogenesis / MPI for Infection Biology (Germany) |
Tâm MIGNOT | Bacterial Development and Cell Biology / CNRS-Aix Marseille University (France) |
Itzhak MIZRAHI | Microbiome / Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israel) |
Francisco J. M. MOJICA | CRISPR / University of Alicante (Spain) |
Soren MOLIN | Microbial Biofilms / Technical University of Denmark (Denmark) |
Cesare MONTECUCCO | Bacterial Neurotoxins, Tetanus & Botulism / University of Padua (Italy) |
Colin MURRELL | Environmental Microbiology / University of East Anglia (England) |
Franz NARBERHAUS (@FranzNarberhaus) | Molecular Microbiology / Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany) |
Staffan NORMARK | Microbial Pathogenicity / Karolinska Institute (Sweden) |
Thomas NYSTRÖM | Cellular Aging and Protein Quality Control / University of Gothenburg (Sweden) |
Fergal O’GARA | Microbe-Host Interactions / University College Cork (Ireland) |
Juan ORTÍN | Virology / National Center for Biotechnology (Spain) – retired |
Albert OSTERHAUS (@AbOsterhaus) | Veterinary Virology / University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (Germany) |
Paul O’TOOLE |
Microbial Genomics /University College Cork (Ireland) |
Jörg OVERMANN | Microbial Ecology, Diversity & Systematics / DSMZ German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures, Braunschweig (Germany) |
Csaba PAL | Systems Biology and Microbial Evolution / Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Hungary) |
Tracy PALMER (@proftracypalmer) | Protein Transport & Secretion, Membrane Proteins & Bacterial Cell Envelope / Newcastle University (England) |
Julian PARKHILL | Microbial Genomics / University of Cambridge (England) |
Vladimir PELICIC | Molecular Biology of Bacterial Pathogens / CNRS Aix-Marseille University (France) |
José PENADES | Molecular Basis of Bacterial Virulence / Imperial College London (England) |
Inês Cardoso PEREIRA | Bacterial Energy Metabolism / Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) |
Andreas PESCHEL | Microbial Pathogenesis and Infectious Disease / University of Tübingen (Germany) |
Jean-Claude PIFFARETTI | Medical Microbiology / Interlifescience (Switzerland) |
Mariana Gomes de PINHO | Bacterial Cell Biology / NOVA University Lisbon (Portugal) |
Mariagrazia PIZZA | Bacterial Vaccines, Bacterial Pathogenesis / GSK Vaccines (Italy) |
Pavel PLEVKA | Structural Virology / Masaryk University (Czech Republic) |
György POSFAI | Microbial Genome Engineering / Biological Research Center (Hungary) |
David PRANGISHVILI | Viruses of Archaea / Pasteur Institute (France) |
Anthony PUGSLEY | Protein Secretion and Membrane Protein Assembly / Pasteur Institute (France) – retired |
Miroslav RADMAN (@MRGentilly) | Molecular Biology / Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences (Croatia) – retired |
Paul RAINEY | Microbial Population Biology / MPI for Evolutionary Biology (Germany) |
Juan Luis RAMOS | Industrial Biotechnology, Gene Regulation & Environmental Microbiology / Spanish National Research Council (Spain) |
Alexander RAPOPORT | Physiology, Biochemistry and Metabolism / University of Latvia (Latvia) |
Rino RAPPUOLI | Vaccinology / GSK Vaccines (Italy) |
Félix A. REY | Structural Virology / Pasteur Institute (France) |
Giovanna RICCARDI | Tuberculosis Research / University of Pavia (Italy) |
Ute RÖMLING | Multicellular Behavior in Microorganisms, Cyclic di-nucleotide signaling, Pseudomonas aeruginosa persistence / Karolinska Institute (Sweden) |
Eliora RON | Bacterial Virulence & Regulation of Gene Expression / Tel Aviv University (Israel) |
Eugene ROSENBERG | Myxobacteria and Environmental Microbiology / Tel Aviv University (Israel) |
Ramon ROSSELLÓ-MÓRA (@ramonibus) | Taxonomy and Molecular Microbial Ecology / Spanish National Research Council (Spain) |
Thomas RUDEL | Microbial Pathogenesis and Infectious Disease / University of Würzburg (Germany) |
Maja RUPNIK | National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food (Germany) |
George SALMOND | Genomics, Genetics, and Molecular Biology / University of Cambridge (UK) |
Philippe SANSONETTI | Bacterial Pathogenesis and Microbiota / Pasteur Institute (France) |
Bernhard SCHINK | Microbial Ecology and Limnology / University of Konstanz (Germany) |
Karl-Heinz SCHLEIFER | Taxonomy and Microbial Ecology / Technical University of Munich (Germany) |
Christa SCHLEPER (@Archaea_Vienna) | Archaea Ecology and Evolution Group / University of Vienna (Austria) |
Peter SEBO | Molecular Biology of Bacterial Pathogens / Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic) |
Victoria SHINGLER | Bacterial Signal-Sensing and Integration / Umeå University (Sweden) |
Andriy SIBIRNY | Yeast Biotechnology / National Academy of Sciences (Ukraine) |
Virginijus ŠIKŠNYS | Protein-DNA Interactions and CRISPR / Vilnius University (Lithuania) |
John J. SKEHEL | Virology / Francis Crick Institute (England) |
Geoffrey L. SMITH | Virology / University of Cambridge (England) |
Lotte SOGAARD-ANDERSEN | Bacterial Development and Differentiation / MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology (Germany) |
Dominique SOLDATI-FAVRE | Biology of Obligate Intracellular Parasites / University of Geneva (Switzerland) |
Rotem SOREK (@SorekLab) | Microbial Genomics / Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) |
Victor SOURJIK | Microbial Networks / MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology (Germany) |
Nicola STANLEY-WALL (@bacteriacities) | Bacterial Biofilms / University of Dundee (Scotland) |
Bärbel STECHER | Microbial Pathogenesis and Infectious Disease / LMU Munich (Germany) |
Noam STERN-GINOSSAR | Virology / The Weizmann Institute of Scienc (Israel) |
Marc STROUS (@marc_strous) | Microbial Ecology and Energy Bioengineering / University of Calgary (Canada) |
Sebastian SUERBAUM (@SuerbaumS) | Medical Microbiology / Ludwig Maximilians University Munich (Germany) |
Rudolf K. THAUER | Biochemistry of Anaerobic Microorganisms / MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology (Germany) |
Kenneth N. TIMMIS (@KennethTimmis) | Biotechnology and Molecular Microbiology / Technical University of Braunschweig (Germany) |
Tone TØNJUM (@tonetonjum) | Genome Dynamics and Microbial Pathogenesis / University of Oslo (Norway) |
Athanassios TSAKRIS (@ATsakris) | Virology and Immunology / University of Athens (Greece) |
Athanasios TYPAS | Systems Microbiology / EMBL Heidelberg (Germany) |
Bernt Eric UHLIN | Bacteria-Host Interactions / Umeå University (Sweden) |
Gisou F. VAN DER GOOT (@gvdgoot) | Cell and Membrane Biology / EPFL Lausanne (Switzerland) |
Jan Roelof VAN DER MEER | Environmental & Evolutionary Microbiology, Microbiome Studies / University of Lausanne (Switzerland) |
Jan-Willem VEENING | Genomics, Genetics, and Molecular Biology / University of Lausanne (Switzerland) |
Antonio VENTOSA | Extremophilic Microorganisms / University of Sevilla (Spain) |
Miguel VICENTE | Bacterial Cell Cycle / National Center for Biotechnology CSIC (Spain) |
Jörg VOGEL | RNA Biology / Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (Germany) |
Waldemar VOLLMER | Bacterial Cell Wall / Newcastle University (England) |
Julia VORHOLT | Microbial Physiology, Microbial Biochemistry, Plant Microbiomes / ETH Zurich (Switzerland) |
Michael WAGNER (@MichiWagner4) | Microbial Ecology / University of Vienna (Austria) |
Sun Nyunt WAI | Medical Microbial Pathogenesis / Umeå University (Sweden) |
Robin A. WEISS | Viral Oncology / University College London (England) |
Friedrich WIDDEL | Anaerobic Aquatic Bacteria / MPI for Marine Microbiology (Germany) – retired |
Paul WILLIAMS | Molecular Microbiology / University of Nottingham (England) |
Karina XAVIER (@KarinaXavierLab) | Bacterial Signal Transduction, Quorum Sensing, Bacterial-Host Interactions, Microbiota / Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine: GIMM (Portugal) |
Arturo ZYCHLINSKY | Cellular Microbiology / MPI for Infection Biology (Germany) |
Former EAM Fellows
- Milton S. DA COSTA, Microbiology of Extreme Environments / University of Coimbra (Portugal)
- Margarita SALAS, Madrid
- Hans-Dieter KLENK
- Josep CASADESÚS, Bacterial Genetics / University of Seville (Spain)
- César NOMBELA, Molecular Microbiology and Bioethics / Menéndez Pelayo International University (Spain)
EAM Fellows Book
Download our EAM fellows book published in 2021 which features the most current research and some general information about our Fellows.