
Society of Mikrobiokosmos


Dr Konstantinos Kormas

Department of Ichthyology & Aquatic Environment University of Thessaly, 384 46 Volvos



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Society of Mikrobiokosmos (GR-MBK)

In December 2007 the Ηellenic Scientific Society MikroBioKosmos (MBK) was founded in Athens, Greece, by a group of researchers led by Dr Nikos Kyrpides, Prof. Kostas Bourtzis and the late Prof. Kostas Drainas. Ever since, the Society has grown larger and is now affiliated to several Ιnternational Μicrobiological Societies, e.g. FEMS, ASM and IUMS. Major aims of MikroBioKosmos are to: a) promote research in Microbial Ecology, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Μοlecular Microbiology, Microbial Genomics and Systems Biology, Microbial Physiology, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, particularly of microorganisms other than human pathogens; b) facilitate the transfer of knowledge among its members and potentiate research networking; c) promote biotechnological breakthroughs and the development of innovative products of interest; and, last but not least, d) stimulate State and public awareness regarding national microbial resources, ensure their protection and conservation, and supervise their exploitation.

The objective of the society is to promote research in Environmental Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Microbial Biotechnology with the creation of appropriate conditions for researchers communication.

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