
11th International Conference on the Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis of the Clostridia

The Netherlands, 19-22 August 2019

We are pleased to invite you to take part in Clostpath 11.

The International Conferences on the Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis of the Clostridia (Clostpath) have been a leading venue to bring together scientists and clinicians for forefront research on the molecular biology of clostridia and their role in health and disease. In keeping with this tradition, Clostpath 11 will cover all fundamental, translational and clinical aspects of clostridial-dependent pathogenesis, including regulation, structure and mode of action of virulence factors, host-pathogen interactions, development of new genetic tools as well as epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of clostridial-caused diseases.

Clostpath 11 will take place August 19-22, 2019, in the Netherlands, in the historic city centre of Leiden, that is home to the oldest university of the Netherlands (est. 1575). The Netherlands has a rich tradition in microbiology, from the first microscope by Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek (on display in Museum Boerhaave in Leiden) to the first microbe-museum in the world, Micropia, in nearby Amsterdam.

The scientific program of Clostpath 11 aims to present a state-of-the-art overview of the most recent and exciting work in the field. High-quality invited talks across all disciplines are combined with short oral contributions selected from submitted abstracts. Lively poster presentations stimulate cross-disciplinary discussions amongst the broad audience that the meeting has. We especially encourage people to submit abstracts on very recent or yet unpublished work.

Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) hosts both the National Reference Laboratory for Clostridium difficile and the National Donor Feces Bank of the Netherlands. Moreover, the LUMC also has a reputation for high-quality fundamental research. For these reasons, Clostpath 11 will therefore in particular also feature sessions on the role of microbiota in clostridial disease, and on non-clinical aspects of clostridial biology.

As always, we strive to maximally involve students and young scientists in Clostpath 11. The meeting provides an ideal venue for them to share their recent work and to discuss their data with leading scientists. At Clostpath 11, we will offer for the first time a Pre-Clostpath Young Scientists Meeting, that is organized by and for junior scientists, on the day preceding the main conference at no additional (registration) cost. Here, junior scientists have an additional opportunity to present their work to their direct peers, and get to know them better to enhance their networking experience later on. After its success at Clostpath 10, we will also once more offer “flash presentations” for the entire Clostpath audience.

Clostpath 11 aims for a number of participants of around 250, to offer a good balance between critical mass and opportunity to meet all participants. In due course, we will provide information on organized social activities that will enhance the experience further and the local organizing committee will strive to provide you with all necessary information to enjoy your visit to the Netherlands to the max.

We very much look forward to seeing you at the Clostpath 11 Conference in Leiden, The Netherlands!

Yours sincerely,

Ed J. Kuijper, M.D., Ph.D.
Clostpath 2019 Conference Chairman
On behalf of the organizing committee

Meeting website
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