2019 ASM Biothreats
What’s new in high consequence pathogen research, biological threat reduction, product development and policy will be the focus of the 2019 ASM Biothreats meeting, January 29–31, 2019, in Arlington, Virginia. Experts in academia, industry and government present and discuss the latest developments in this emerging field.
A highlight of this meeting is Biothreats Peer-to-Peer, a half-day pre-meeting symposium providing students and early career professionals the unique opportunity to make an oral presentation to a group of their peers. Speakers from the full Biothreats program have been invited to discuss their careers and job opportunities in the field.
New this year is the session The Business of Biothreats: An Entrepreneurial Challenge, inspired by Shark Tank®, the TV program where inventors present their innovative ideas to a panel of potential judges. Present your great idea to address/solve the challenges of biothreats to the exclusive ASM Biothreats Panel to see if your idea will rise to the top.