Assistant Professor in Molecular Microbial Ecology: Denmark
The Department of Biology at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for a position as Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Molecular Microbial Ecology.
The position is to be filled by 1 November 2018 or as soon as possible thereafter, subject to negotiation. The new position will be embedded within the Section for Microbiology. The section conducts research on microbial community interactions under the four headlines: Sociomicrobiology, Microbiomes, Multispecies biofilms, and Soil biodiversity and function. The overall aim is to understand and exploit the immense adaptive potential of complex natural microbial communities.
Description of the position
- The Tenure-Track Assistant Professor is expected to develop an externally funded research programme in molecular microbial ecology.
- She/he is expected to use approached such as in vitro model systems, single cell analysis and/or metagenomics to understand the activity, adaptations, and/or interactions of complex bacterial communities.
- Duties will also include teaching and supervision of students at the undergraduate/graduate levels, as well as some management tasks requested by the Department.
Ideal candidate
- Applicants should have a scientific background within molecular microbial ecology.
- The position requires an increasing publication trajectory in high-level, international, peer-reviewed ISI journals as well as some personal research grants or a designated (by name) part of major grants.
- Research plans and publication record should delineate clear potential for attracting external funding and the development of a research group integrated in, and complimenting, the current research of the Section.
- An active network of international collaborations will be considered an important asset.
- The tenure track assistant professor must have an academic standing showing internationally competitive research, and/or have high potential to make a future scientific impact at the international level.
- Documented university level experience in delivering undergraduate/graduate teaching will be considered an advantage.
- If not already holding formal pedagogical qualifications, candidates are required to obtain pedagogical training equivalent to the University of Copenhagen teacher training programme for Assistant Professors during the tenure track period.
Further information
- Inquiries about the position can be made to Head of Department, Professor Niels Kroer ( or Head of Section, Professor Søren Sørensen (
- Deadline for applications is 3 June 2018. After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitment manager selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the Interview Committee.
- Interviews/trial lecture will be held on 3 October 2018.
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