European Society for Clinical Virology (ESCV) 2018: 23-26 September 2018, Greece
The 21st ESCV Annual Meeting 2018 will be held on 23-26 September 2018 at Athens, Greece.
The ESCV Annual Meeting has been a major event for the Clinical Virology scientific community and it is becoming more popular, comprehensive, innovative and influential, while maintaining high standards of scientific quality and a family atmosphere. The 21st ESCV Annual Meeting is promising to be an exciting event, covering all timely topics of Clinical Virology, enabling delegates to exchange knowledge with world’s leading experts, network with colleagues and discuss the latest advances on “traditional” and emerging viruses.This event will encompass the fields of viral infections, virus-host interactions, diagnostics, vaccines and many more.
Topics for abstracts
- Respiratory Viruses
- Viruses in the immunosuppressed host
- Prevention/Vaccines
- Viral Pathogenesis and Immune Responses
- Emerging Viruses
- Hepatitis Viruses
- Congenital & Neonatal Viral Infections
- Diagnostic Αdvances in Clinical Virology I/Point-of-Care Diagnostics
- Viral Gastroenteritis/CNS infections
- HIV/Sexually transmitted viral infections
- Diagnostic Advances in Clinical Virology II/Clinical Metagenomics
- Viral Oncogenesis
- Clinical Syndromes
Important dates
Deadline for Early Registration: 31 May 2018
Abstract submission deadline: 31 May 2018