Hydrocarbon degradation in oil reservoirs and aquifers - POSTPONED
COVID-19 Update:
Coronavirus: Conference is cancelled/deferred!
Due to the developing situation with Coronavirus outbreak, we have to cancel the conference. We are aiming at rescheduling later this year.
Salvador-Allende-Haus, 45739 Oer-Erkenschwick, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
This conference focuses on the latest research and future research needs in the area of petroleum microbiology by bringing together leading experts in the field. The conference is planned for three days and aims at an extensive interaction between the participants. There will be 18 invited talks by prominent researchers. We are now accepting abstracts for contributed talks and poster presentations. The conference is limited to 90 participants.
Biodegradation is one of the most important in situ processes determining the quality of oil in conventional and unconventional reservoirs or hydrocarbon attenuation in contaminated aquifers. Moreover, microbial processes such as methanogenesis, sulfate reduction, and biofilm formation have significant direct or indirect impacts on oil recovery. Despite these effects, there is yet a significant gap of knowledge about the activity and dynamics of microbial communities in oil reservoirs and hydrocarbon contaminated sites.
Presentations are categorised in two sections as (i) microbiology and biochemistry of anaerobic hydrocarbon degradation and (ii) the ecology of hydrocarbon and oil degradation. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
• mechanisms of anaerobic biodegradation of hydrocarbons
• ecology of hydrocarbon-degrading microbial communities
• food webs and nutrient recycling
• degradation processes and controlling environmental factors
• identity-function relationships in microbial communities
• field case studies
Invited speakers:
Matthias Boll (Albert-Ludwigs-Uni. Freiburg), Elizabeth Edwards (Uni. of Toronto), Lisa Gieg (Uni. of Calgary), Peter N. Golyshin (Bangor Univ.), Ji-Dong Gu (Uni. of Hong Kong), Ian Head (Newcastle Uni.), Hans Heider (Uni. of Marburg), Joel Kostka (Georgia Institute of Technol.)Tillman Lüders (Uni. of Bayreuth), Mike Mainefield (Uni. of New South Wales), Bo-Zhong Mu (East China Univ. of Sci. &Technol.), András Táncsics (Szent István Uni.), NicolasTsesmetzis (Shell Intl. Exploration and Production), Michail Yakimov (Inst. perl’ambiente marino costiero)
Deadline for abstract submission: April 1st
Coronavirus outbreak-related note: We consider cancelling the meeting when the corona-related security situation gets worse, which cannot be foreseen at the moment. The conference fee will be fully refunded, if you have to cancel your attendance due to travel restrictions or we cancel the meeting for security reasons.
Registration fee: 350 Euro/ 250 Euro for students
Please note the fee covers accommodation and meals during the conference.
Limited supporting funds for travel and/or registration waver are available for early career scientists. Please indicate your interest during registration.