
International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition: 12-17 August 2018, Canada

Call for abstracts EXTENDED – submit your abstract by 11 May 2018 for International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition (IBS 2018)

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry invites you to Montreal, Canada, for the International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition on 12-17 August 2018. This 18th edition of the symposium is co-organized by the National Research Council of Canada, McGill University, the University of Waterloo and BIOTECanada.

They invite you to submit your abstract for one of the Symposium’s five scientific tracks to participate in the symposium before 11 May 2018:

  • Biotechnology foundations and innovations
  • Pharmaceutical and health biotechnologies
  • Agricultural, forest and marine biotechnologies
  • Industrial and environmental biotechnologies
  • Bioenergy and biorefinery

This symposium brings together diverse research and applications of biotechnology under one roof. The symposium will provide a unique, international forum for the exchange of ideas and cross-pollination among peers, combined with a social program to facilitate networking and discover Canada’s cultural capital.

The theme of the 2018 conference is ‘Supporting a Healthy World’.

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