
PhD in ecogenomics and physiology of methanogenic archaea in oxic soils: Czech Republic

The research group of Dr Roey Angel (Anaerobic and Molecular Microbiology Lab) at Biology Centre CAS has a PhD opportunity to study the ecogenomics and physiology of methanogenic archaea in oxic soils. 


Methane is a potent greenhouse gas and a vital energy source. Methanogenesis was thought to occur only in anoxic environments. However, recent works challenge this notion by showing the activity of some methanogens in oxic and even dry environments. This project aims to uncover how methanogens cope with oxygen and desiccation. The work will include growing novel methanogen cultures from upland soils, comparative genomics with existing strains to postulate which genetic mechanisms are involved in the above-mentioned stress tolerance processes. This will be followed by physiological, transcriptomic, and proteomic experiments to confirm these hypotheses.


Applicants should hold an MSc in biology and have proven experience in microbiology. The work will involve cultivation, electron microscopy, physiological manipulations, genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics. Prior experience cultivation of microbes and bioinformatics will be favourably considered but is not a prerequisite for selection. In addition to solid lab skills, candidates must be proficient in written and spoken English.


Please submit a professional CV (no more than two pages), a statement of interest and motivation for the position (max. one page), a list of publications (if any), and the names and contact information of two professional references via email with the subject Oxic Soil Methanogens-PhD to the contact below.

Preference will be given to applications received by January 10th 2022.

Possible starting dates: February – June 2022.

Further information

Dr Roey Angel (, Institute of Soil Biology, Biology Centre CAS, CZECHIA

Supervision team: Dr Roey Angel and Dr Anne Daebeler

Research Infrastructure and study programme

Work will be done at the Institute of Soil Biology (ISB), Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences (BC CAS) in České Budějovice under the graduate study programme of the University of South Bohemia. ISB focuses on soil regeneration and maintenance of soil fertility in both natural and human-affected ecosystems. The main research lines include the structure and dynamics of soil communities, the interactions amongst soil animals, microorganisms and the abiotic part of the soil, soil microstructures, and nutrient cycling and soil transformation. We use diverse methodological approaches (molecular biology, stable isotopes, field ecology, mathematical modelling, etc.) and a combination of analytical and holistic approaches to problem-solving. Core facilities with shared equipment support all research groups.

About the location

České Budějovice is a medium-sized town ca. 150 km south of Prague with 100,000 inhabitants. It offers a relaxed atmosphere and a growing community of foreign scientists at the University and the Biology Centre. Three faculties and five research institutes dealing with aquatic and terrestrial biota are located on the same campus, allowing easy access to other researchers and resources. Both the town and the surrounding countryside provide numerous research and leisure activities opportunities. Living costs are low by international standards. Courses of the Czech language are offered for international staff to reach a basic level of proficiency in everyday situations.

BC CAS is a receiver of an HR award and is very experienced in accommodating ex-pats. We promote diversity and welcome your application regardless of age, gender, cultural and social background, religion, disability or sexual identity.

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