
Post Doc Position for Genetic Engineering to Improve Microbial Soluble Expression

BOKU – the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna offers a three-year Post-Doc Position for Genetic Engineering to Improve Microbial Soluble Expression. The scientific scope of this position comprises research in the field of biotechnology in various disciplines with relevance for the development of recombinant protein pharmaceuticals. The position offered is part of an industrial-academic cooperation project with Boehringer Ingelheim RCV (BI). This collaboration deals with the development and implementation of academic research results into an industrial environment focusing on genetic engineering to improve microbial soluble expression. The project is operated at the Department of Biotechnology. The work will primarily be conducted at laboratory facilities of BI.


  • the planning, performance and supervision of experiments, data analyses and interpretation as well as their presentation at internal and international meetings
  • to establish and further develop novel techniques and methods for strain engineering, biopharmaceutical process development and production at various scales
  •  the supervision of master theses, technical personnel and cooperation in patents and publications

Required skills and qualifications

Successful applicants require a PhD in a relevant field (Biotechnology, Molecular Biology or Microbiology) and a proven track record with special focus on molecular biology / biotechnology

Desirable skills and qualifications

  • practical experience and expertise in recombinant protein production using microbial expression systems (especially Escherichia coli)
  • profound knowledge and practical know-how in state-of-the-art molecular biology techniques and in handling / genetic manipulation of microorganisms
  • strong interest in performing experimental lab work and hands-on laboratory experience
  • innovative and aim-oriented performance, high flexibility and motivation
  • structured and team-oriented working style in multi-disciplinary teams
  • experience in the supervision of students and/or technical personnel
  • excellent communication skills and very good command of English and fluent German
  • experience in conception and writing of scientific publications

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna seeks to increase the number of its female faculty and staff members. Therefore qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply. In case of equal qualification, female candidates will be given preference unless reasons specific to an individual male candidate tilt the balance in his favour.

Please send your job application to Personnel department, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, 1190 Vienna, Peter-Jordan-Straße 70; E-Mail: code: 64)

We regret that we cannot reimburse applicants travel and lodging expenses incurred as part of the selection and hiring process.

Further details
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