Post-Doc Position in sedimentary ancient DNA: Germany
The University of Konstanz has been successful in the German Excellence Initiative since 2007. The Environmental Genomics lab (Prof. Laura Epp) in the Department of Biology at the University of Konstanz is offering a Post-Doc Position in sedimentary ancient DNA starting from 1 February and with a duration of three years. In principle, the position can be divided into two part-time positions.
The applicant will join the international team of researchers in the ERA-NET BiodivERsA project “Future ArcTic Ecosystems (FATE): drivers of diversity and future scenarios from ethnoecology, contemporary ecology and ancient DNA”. The project will conduct a circumarctic investigation of long-term biodiversity change based on ancient DNA from lake sediment cores, with a specific focus on the role of herbivory and climate in shaping vegetation. We will use this data, in conjunction with data from contemporary ecology and indigenous and local knowledge to develop scenarios of future biodiversity and ecosystem services.
The postdoc will generate and analyze paleogenetic data on vegetation, mammals and fungi/lichens using lake sediment cores from Siberia. The project will involve field work in Siberia in cooperation with the Alfred-Wegener-Institute (AWI), Research Unit Potsdam. The work will be carried out in close collaboration with the ancient DNA labs at the AWI, the University of Tromsø, the University of California Santa Cruz and McMaster University. The project builds strongly on interdisciplinary exchange leading to joint analyses and publications with the other international members of the BiodivERsA project. Applications are thus invited from highly skilled and motivated researchers to join our team.
The successful candidate should have:
- a PhD in a relevant discipline (biology, botany, geography)
- ample practical experience with relevant methods of molecular biology (i.e. work with ancient or degraded DNA)
- strong bioinformatic and statistical skills
- strong writing skills
- ideally a background in paleoecology
- knowledge of the target organisms – expertise in fungi would be ideal, but is not mandatory
The University of Konstanz is one of the Universities of Excellence in Germany, and is located just outside the beautiful town of Konstanz, which is at the shore of Lake Constance.
Persons with disabilities are explicitly encouraged to apply. They will be given preference if appropriately qualified (contact + 49 7531 88–4016). The University of Konstanz is committed to ensuring an environment that provides equal opportunities and promotes diversity as well as a good balance between university and family life. As an equal opportunity employer, we strive to increase the number of women working in research and teaching. We also support working couples through our dual career programme.
Please send in your digital application as a single pdf-file attachment to Prof. Dr. Laura Epp until 15 December 2018 by e-mail: The application should include a letter of motivation, your CV with a complete list of your publications, a copy of your 1-2 best publications. First consideration will be given to candidates whose complete applications are received by 15 December 2018, but we will accept applications until the position is filled.