
Post-Doctoral Associate - microbial physiology: USA

A post-doctoral position is available in the field of microbial physiology, focused on the study of the mechanisms of biofilm formation and dispersal in the bacterial human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus.

The applicant

  • will examine two regulatory systems that sense cellular respiration and trigger programmed cell lysis resulting in biofilm formation
  • will focus their attention on the molecular stimuli of these regulatory systems and factors necessary to disperse S. aureus biofilms

The position is intended for a molecular microbiologist or cell biologist with extensive experience examining gene regulation or multicellular behavior. Capacity to network with other teams for collaborative analyses required.

The candidate should have

  • strong scientific credentials in the field of microbiology and working with bacterial pathogens
  • a background in microbial physiology with extensive experience in molecular and classic genetics and / or biochemistry is preferred

Preference will be given to applicants that have examined bacterial two-component regulatory systems.

Successful applicants must have bench experience conducting molecular biology and / or biochemistry.

This is a one-year appointment with the possibility of subsequent appointments.

Applicant must have a Ph.D. and authorization to work in the United States.


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