Postdoc in Crop Modeling & Physiology, Plant-Microbe Interaction, Climate Change: Belgium
The Postdoc position will be conducted in the frame of the project “BIOdiversity of soils and FArming Innovations for improved Resilience in European wheat agrosystems (BIOFAIR)”, which is part of the European research program BiodivERsA which is financed in Belgium (Wallonia) by the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (F.N.R.S.). The BIOFAIR project is in partnership with the University of Hohenheim (Germany), the University of Ghent, the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL Switzerland and FiBL Europe), the INRAE of Clermont Ferrand (France) and the CSIC of Almería (Spain).
In the face of climate change, crop species and agricultural practices will require adaptation to produce high quality food while reducing the impact of agriculture on the environment. The study of mechanisms underlying the anticipated negative impact of climate change on food production thus needs all the attention in order to design cropping systems resilient to climate change. To date, most of the climate change studies have been focused on the plant physiology without addressing key questions linked to root and soil diversity and functioning under fully realistic anticipated climatic scenarios.
Job position:
Within the BIOFAIR project and other collaborative projects, you will have to decipher and model mechanisms by which climate-stressed plants (wheat) modify their strategies to 1) interact with soil organisms and 2) mobilise soil nutrients for root uptake. For this purpose, you will have access to different platforms (outdoor phenotyping platforms at INREA Clermont-Ferrand and Ecotron facilities at Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech) where wheat will be challenged with future climatic scenarios. The person will take part in the BIOFAIR project management and communication as well as will be involved in the supervision MSc or PhD students.
Research activities will be performed at University of Liège, Gembloux Campus (35 min by train from Brussels) in an international team (Plant Genetics and Rhizosphere Processes Lab) with research focus on plant nutrition and improvement of temperate and tropical crops.
Appointment is for 2 years with possibility of renewal.
Net salary after taxes and social benefit costs is circa 2250 €/month.
Starting date is expected preferably in April-May 2021 with the possibility to agree on a later starting date.
- The candidate should hold a PhD and have demonstrated expertise as well as scientific publications in at least two of the following research fields: root physiology, crop modelling, plant-microbe interaction, soil microbiology.
- Candidates with good expertise in statistics and database management are particularly welcome.
- Excellent oral and written communication in English is required.
To apply you should send an email with subject “BIOFAIR application to Pierre Delaplace ( and Cécile Thonar ( The email should include your CV, cover letter and two letters of recommendation.
Deadline for application: 28th February 2021; Reviewing of applications will start on 01/03/2021 but the position will remain open until suitable candidate is identified.