Postdoc in Synthetic Biology of Methanogenic Archaea: Denmark
The Nordcee at the Department of Biology at the University of Southern Denmark invites applications for a three-year postdoc position in synthetic biology of methanogenic archaea. The starting date for the position is 1 April 2022 or soon after.
Job description
We are looking for candidates who are enthusiastic about synthetic biology and its applications in future biotechnologies. The selected postdoc will explore the mechanisms of direct electron uptake in methanogens and genetically manipu late these organisms to improve the conversion yield of electricity and CO2 into methane (electromethanogenesis).
We seek a highly motivated candidate with a documented academic background and lab experience in synthetic biology and omics of methanogens. In addition, the candidate is expected to work closely with two PhD students who cover other aspects of the research like cellular biology and bioelectrochemistry.
The candidate should have a PhD degree in a field relevant to the project (i.e. synthetic biology, genetics, omics). Lab experience with the genetic engineering of methanogens is desirable. The candidate should be interested in developing and following up on new ideas and applying for external funding within the Danish and European funding landscape. Proficiency in spoken and written English is a must. You should be independent and interested in working in an interdisciplinary environment, sharing ideas, and collaborating with people from different fields.
For the full call and how to apply please visit this link. Application deadline is 1 December 2021.