
PostDoc in molecular microbiology: Denmark

The Centre of Excellence BASP headed by Prof Kenn Gerdes focuses on the study of molecular mechanisms underly bacterial stress responses, in particular the stringent response mediated by the second messenger (p)ppGpp. Professor Kenn Gerdes’group is seeking a highly motivated and ambitious post doc holding a PhD-degree within the area of molecular microbiology.

The position

  • experiences in the fields of bacterial genetics, biochemistry and/or physiology are essential
  • a candidate familiar with global analyses, such as ribosome profiling, RNA-seq or CLIP-seq (CRAC) will be favoured
  • excellent written and spoken English is a requirement for the positions
  • the candidates should document a track record of excellent scientific publications, and have the ability to work autonomously as well as in a team
  • the postdoc’s duties will include research within molecular microbiology as well as teaching
  • the post may also include performance of other duties
Further information on the Department is linked at Inquiries about the position can be made to Head of Department Niels Kroer or Head of Centre Kenn Gerdes.
Further details
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