
Postdoc Position for Microbial Physiologist: Denmark

The Aarhus University Centre for Water Technology, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work on the development and use of whole-cell based biosensors for environmental analysis and monitoring, including the analysis of aquatic environments such as wastewater, surface waters, and seawater.

Research group

  • The postdoctoral researcher will work in the sensor laboratory at Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University. Several new sensors have been developed in this laboratory including microsensors and microscale biosensors for N2O, CO2, NO3-, NO2-, CH4, volatile fatty acids, and nanomolar concentrations of O2. The sensors have mainly been used to elucidate microbial transformations in nature and man-made environments.
  • The successful applicant is expected to optimize physiology and immobilization procedures for bacteria-based biosensors (example Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (2004)70: 6551-6558), and use such sensors to describe microbial metabolism in aquatic environments.
  • The selected person will work in a dynamic international environment with frequent seminars and many interdisciplinary projects.
  • The sensor laboratory is projected to have two professors, one assistant professor, one postdoc, and two technicians by the end of 2018. An additional postdoc is expected to start in 2019.
  • The sensor laboratory is part of the Microbiology Section at the Department of Bioscience with a staff of about 60 persons, including PhD students.


  • The ideal candidate has a strong background in microbial physiology and an interest in the microbial ecology of wastewater treatment plants and other aquatic environments.
  • Also, any previous experience in sensor technology will be advantageous.
  • An open personality and willingness to collaborate will be absolutely necessary as the planned projects involves collaborations with researchers from different fields.
You can read more about it here
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