Postdoct: Microbiome diversity of polar and alpine soils: USA
The laboratories of Profs. Max Häggblom, Lee Kerkhof and Malin Pinsky in the Departments of Biochemistry & Microbiology, Marine & Coastal Sciences, and Ecology, Evolution &Natural Resources, are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to join a NSF-funded research project for an international project aimed at establishing genetic, phylogenetic and functional mechanisms that shape microbiome diversity of polar and alpine soils.
This project will delineate mechanisms that lead to diverse soil microbial communities that are hallmarks of stable and sustainable soils. The overarching hypothesis is that resource partitioning, selective predation, and temporal separation of activity each contribute to the success of particular bacterial strains/species in polar and alpine systems. High latitude and altitude soils are disproportionately impacted by the effects of climate change: significant warming of these soils is expected to drive increased microbial activity and enhanced greenhouse gas release. The international research team (Rutgers University, University of Delaware, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, University of Pretoria) will focus on testing these hypotheses in soils across Arctic, Antarctic and Tibetan Plateau habitats with the Acidobacteriota as a model microbial phylum for study. Laboratory- and field-based approaches will be linked to describe the genetic, phylogenetic and functional diversity the Acidobacteriota, one of the most ubiquitous but elusive bacterial phyla found in terrestrial ecosystems around the globe.
Responsibilities and Qualifications: The project requires a postdoctoral researcher with experience in microbiology and molecular ecology. The researcher will work on cultivating novel Acidobacteriota, sequencing their genomes, assessing their phenotypes, and linking this information to culture-independent community data. In addition, the researcher will utilize microcosm and stable isotope approaches for testing how resource partitioning and selective predation shapes strain-level selection in soils habitats. Candidates should have a PhD in microbiology, molecular biology, or a closely related field with expertise in microbial molecular ecology and cultivation of environmental microbes, and have demonstrated ability to disseminate results via peer-reviewed publications and presentations.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV including list of publications, and the names and contact information for three references here.
Inquiries can be made to Prof. Max Häggblom (