Postdoctoral fellowship (2 years) in forecasting of experimental evolution
The Lind Lab at the Department of Molecular Biology, Umeå University seeks a highly motivated postdoc with interest in evolution and microbiology. Research in the recently started Lind lab focuses on the predictability of evolutionary processes.
Project description
In this project we develop forecasts of how evolution in experimental Pseudomonas populations will occur and then compare predictions with what actually happens when the experiment is performed. The experimental setup is inspired by the Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 Wrinkly Spreader system that has been extended to several other Pseudomonas species.
Forecasting requires predictions to be made on several biological levels:
– Mathematical modelling of genotype-to-phenotype maps
– Bioinformatics prediction of mutational effects
– Influence of mutational biases
– Prediction of available phenotypic solutions and their fitness effects
The experimental work includes massively parallel experimental evolution combined with genome sequencing, genetic engineering and phenotypic and fitness assays.
The work tasks include finishing several ongoing projects as well as developing forecasts and testing forecasts in new species. Much of the work is expected to be hands-on in the laboratory, but there is also a significant bioinformatics component and the relative weight of laboratory vs. theoretical work can be decided on dependent on the candidate’s interests and qualification. The candidate is also expected to develop an independent line of research that can be pursued further after leaving the lab.
Candidates must hold a University degree equivalent to a European University PhD degree in evolutionary biology, microbiology, molecular biology or similar fields before starting the fellowship.
Candidates must have documented experience in molecular genetics techniques and basic microbiological techniques. Previous experience of analysis of genome sequencing data, bacterial genetics, bioinformatics and experimental evolution is desirable. Publications in international peer-reviewed journal is expected
Candidates must be fluent in spoken and written English and highly motivated with a broad interest in evolutionary biology. The project will include development of novel methods often in collaboration with researchers from other fields so candidates must be able to work independently as well as in collaborations.
How to apply
The fellowship is for 2 years and financed by Kempe foundation. Starting date is 1st of May 2019 or can be adjusted according to agreement.
Application deadline: 20 February 2019
Your application must contain the following documents written in English or Swedish:
– A CV with information on education, a list of previous and current employments, and a list of publications.
– A cover letter describing your research experience and interests and motivation for applying for the position.
– A copy of PhD thesis and relevant publications (maximum 3 publications)
– Names and contact details with e-mail addresses of two to three academic references.
Your complete application in on single PDF format to
You find information about The Department of Molecular Biology at
For questions regarding the position, please contact the group leader: Dr. Peter Lind (