Professor in Food Microbiology: Applications of microbes in the food chain
In the Science, Engineering and Technology Group of KU Leuven, there is a full-time academic vacancy in the area of Food Microbiology in Leuven (campus Arenberg). We are looking for internationally oriented candidates with an excellent research record and with educational competence within the field of food microbiology. The new colleague will be hosted in the Department of Microbial and Molecular Systems (M²S), Centre of Food and Microbial Technology (CFMT), and in the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering (FBSE). CFMT is active on four campuses and has about 145 collaborators in seven research groups, led by 13 professors. Research at CFMT focuses on raw materials and their constituents, microorganisms and processes that are relevant to various bio-industries and to the food industry in particular. The different groups generate and disseminate scientific knowledge and apply it in food process innovations with a focus on chemical and microbiological safety, organoleptic properties, shelf life, and nutritional and health aspects.
The research activities span the continuum from raw materials over production of foods and ingredients to consumption and digestion and adopt a multidisciplinary and integrated approach at molecular scale, mesoscale and macroscopic scale. CFMT research groups have a solid, up-to-date research infrastructure, an extensive national and international network, both in the academic and industrial world, a stable supply of highly talented MSc. students and represent a supportive work environment. FBSE organises Dutch and English language study programmes at bachelor, master, honours, postgraduate and PhD-level in Bioscience Engineering at large and in Food Science in particular. To date, about 2300 students are enrolled in the faculty’s programmes.