Professor in Medical Microbiology: Switzerland
The University of Zurich invites applications for a faculty position as Professor in Medical Microbiology.
The University of Zurich is committed to further strengthening research, teaching and advanced diagnostics in Medical Microbiology. We seek candidates (PhD or MD) that complement the current strengths of the Department, have an outstanding track record in research and have shown leadership in addressing the needs of the fight against infectious diseases by advancing the field with insightful, cutting-edge research on pathogens and by developing innovative diagnostic techniques. Research areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to, metagenomics, single cell analytics, new emerging pathogens, and the microbiome.
The Department of Medical Microbiology, focusing on bacteriology, mycobacteriology, and mycology, is closely collaborating with the University Hospitals. Strong ties in research and teaching are in place with basic research groups at the closely located University Irchel Campus, University Hospitals, and ETH. The successful candidate will be an integrative link between advances in research and clinical needs, and take a leading role in shaping the future diagnostic environment.
The University of Zurich offers generous research support, including a competitive start-up package, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and annual core funding for personnel and research expenses. Successful candidates are expected to develop an internationally leading research program supported by additional external funding, and to commit to excellence in teaching of students at the Faculty of Medicine and at the Faculty of Science.
The employment conditions for this position follow the legal regulations of the University of Zurich ( The University of Zurich is an equal opportunities employer and in particular strives to increase the percentage of women in leading positions. Therefore, qualified female re-searchers are encouraged to apply.
For further information please contact the chair of the search committee, Prof. Dr. A. Plueckthun, Tel. +41 44 635 55 70, E-Mail:
Please submit your application, including a cover letter, curriculum vitae, publication list, and a summary (3-4 pages) of current and proposed research, at by 30 November 2020. Applications by mail or e-mail cannot be considered.