
Professor of Microbiology: Germany

The Institute of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology in the Faculty of Biology at the University of Münster, Germany, invites applications for a Professor of Microbiology. The position is available as soon as possible.
Candidates are expected to demonstrate internationally recognized scholarly activities in a modern area of applied microbiology, with a focus on studying, engineering and applying microbial metabolism. Applicants with experience and interest in state-of-the-art techniques of e.g. systems or synthetic biology are strongly encouraged to apply. Experience in cooperating with industry partners would be welcome.

The candidate

  • should strengthen the focus area biotechnology in the Faculty of Biology and complement and collaborate with existing groups in the Institute of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology.
  • is desired to contribute to the establishment of research networks, including ones that extend beyond the Faculty of Biology.
  • is expected to participate in teaching microbial biotechnology and the full range of microbiology courses at the BSc, MSc, MEd, and postgraduate levels and to participate in administrative activities within the Faculty.

Applicants from abroad are expected to teach introductory lecture courses in German within two years after recruitment.
Prerequisite for the application are academic achievements made as a Juniorprofessor (assistant professor), in a Habilitation (postdoctoral qualification), as a member of the academic staff of a university or non-university research institute, or in a research position in business, industry, administration or other relevant fields in Germany or abroad.

An application consisting of a curriculum vitae, a list of publications and grants received, a summary of research interests, a future research plan, a statement of teaching experience, and copies of transcripts and degree certificates should be sent via email, as a single PDF document, by 14 September 2018 to

Prof Dr Susanne Fetzner – Dean of the Faculty of Biology

University of Münster
Schlossplatz 4
48149 Münster, Germany

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