
Smart and Circular Agriculture towards Sustainability congress

The Smart and Circular Agriculture towards Sustainability Congress is scheduled to take place on 21-22 July 2022 in Portugal.

The most promising approach to make food production systems more efficient, mitigating agriculture footprint and increasing productivity and farmer’s income, is digitalization. This is understood as the integration of artificial intelligence, big data, robotics, unmanned aviation systems, sensors, information and communication solutions, all connected and managed by the Internet of Things (IOT). Scientific research also embraces several other challenges such as: improving food nutritious quality, recovering soils and their biodiversity, protecting crop biodiversity, and increasing crop resilience to climate change as well as to new pest and diseases. In parallel with these issues, education needs to prepare a new generation of farmers able to adopt technologies, which in turn can make agriculture more attractive to younger people, reconciling them with agriculture-related jobs and with rural areas. In summary, only through positive interactions between technology, science and education, shaped in effective and innovative policies, the UN sustainable development goals may be achieved. This conference aims to address topics related with this virtual triangle, by inviting all actors from the academy, industry and agriculture sector, to present their main achievements and points of view, contributing for fruitful discussions.

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