Volunteer: Dukas Jurenas
Dukas Jurėnas has obtained his bachelor and masters degree in molecular biology in Vilnius University, Lithuania. During his PhD in Free University of Brussels (ULB) he has characterized activity and regulation of novel acetyltransferase toxin from enterohemorrhagic E. coli O157:H7. His research is mostly focused on bacterial toxins from toxin-antitoxin systems and type VI secretion systems. Dukas uses methods from structural biology and molecular biology to modern and classical microbiology to get in depth picture of mechanisms of bacterial growth inhibition. He has attended every FEMS congress since 2011 Geneva congress and he is a member of Belgian and Lithuanian Societies for Microbiology as well as a board member of Lithuanian Biochemistry Society (FEBS member).
Twitter: @DukasJu
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dukas-jurėnas-099461145
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