Environmental issues

Microbes are less known players in live-threatening situations and disaster scenarios, but can be key in mitigation and reduction of environmental and health issues. Microbiological research uncovers the systems involved in disease and epidemics, and results in control initiatives and vaccine development. Other microbial disciplines aim to exploit microbe environmental traits for pollutant removal, and prevent and reduce climate change effects.

Environmental issues and Microbes

Climate change and One Health
Jakob Zinsstag, Lisa Crump, Esther Schelling, Jan Hattendorf, Yahya Osman Maidane, Kadra Osman Ali, Abdifatah Muhummed, et al.

Denitrifying haloarchaea: sources and sinks of nitrogenous gases
Javier Torregrosa-Crespo, Linda Bergaust, Carmen Pire, Rosa María Martínez-Espinosa

The intersection of antimicrobial stewardship and microbiology: educating the next generation of health care professionals
Lauren A. O’Donnell, Anthony J. Guarascio

Carbon recycling by cyanobacteria: improving CO2-fixation through chemical production
Angela Zhang, Austin L. Carroll, Shota Atsumi

Escherichia coli, cattle, and the propagation of disease
Richard A. Stein, David E. Katz

Climate change and vector-borne diseases of public health significance
Nicholas H. Ogden

State of the art in eukaryotic nitrogenase engineering
Stefan Burén, Luis M Rubio

The impact of environmental factors on CO2 fixation by microalgae
Marcia Morales, León Sánchez, Sergio Revah

Zika virus: from pathogenesis to disease control
Luisa Barzon, Marta Trevisan, Alessandro Sinigaglia, Enrico Lavezzo, Giorgio Palù

Environmental parameters altered by climate change affect the activity of soil microorganisms involved in bioremediation
Itziar Alkorta, Lur Epelde, Carlos Garbisu

Autotrophic biorefinery: dawn of the gaseous carbon feedstock
Sai Kishore Butti, S. Venkata Mohan

Vector-borne diseases and climate change: a European perspective
Jan C Semenza, Jonathan E Suk

New concepts in anammox processes for wastewater nitrogen removal: recent advances and future prospects.
Alejandro Gonzalez-Martinez, Barbara Muñoz-Palazon, Alejandro Rodriguez-Sanchez, Jesus Gonzalez-Lopez


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