Microbial communication

Except when grown in axenic cultures, microorganisms are never alone. Instead, they thrive in very promiscuous niches where microbial interactions are prevalent. Covering topics as diverse as as the gut microbiome, quorum sensing and cell-cell signalling, bacterial-fungal interactions, predation and syntrophy, this collections explores the importance and versatility of microbial communication.

Microbial Communications – more than just small talks
The role of multispecies social interactions in shaping Pseudomonas aeruginosa pathogenicity in the cystic fibrosis lung 

Siobhán O’Brien, Joanne L. Fothergill

The expanding horizon of alkyl quinolone signalling and communication in polycellular interactomes

F Jerry Reen, Gerard P McGlacken, Fergal O’Gara

Social interactions in bacterial cell–cell signaling 

Kyle L. Asfahl, Martin Schuster
Role of quorum sensing and chemical communication in fungal biotechnology and pathogenesis

Jorge Barriuso, Deborah A Hogan, Tajalli Keshavarz, María Jesús Martínez
 Bacterial–fungal interactions: ecology, mechanisms and challenges

Aurélie Deveau, Gregory Bonito, Jessie Uehling, Mathieu Paolett,i Matthias Becker, Saskia Bindschedler, Stéphane Hacquard, Vincent Hervé, Jessy Labbé, Olga A Lastovetsky, Sophie Mieszkin, Larry J Millet, Balázs Vajna, Pilar Junier, Paola Bonfante, Bastiaan P Krom, Stefan Olsson, Jan Dirk van Elsas, Lukas Y Wick

 Pathogens, microbiome and the host: emergence of the ecological Koch’s postulates

Pascale Vonaesch, Mark Anderson, Philippe J Sansonetti


OK, thanks! A new mutualism between Chlamydomonas and methylobacteria facilitates growth on amino acids and peptides

Victoria Calatrava, Erik F Y Hom, Ángel Llamas, Emilio Fernández, Aurora Galván

Complex carbohydrates reduce the frequency of antagonistic interactions among bacteria degrading cellulose and xylan 

Yi-Jie Deng, Shiao Y. Wang

Killing the killer: predation between protists and predatory bacteria 

Julia JohnkeJens Boenigk, Hauke Harms, Antonis Chatzinotas

Carbon utilization profiles of river bacterial strains facing sole carbon sources suggest metabolic interactions 

Lise Goetghebuer, Pierre Servais, Isabelle F. George
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