State of the art

New tools and high-tech equipment open new doors for exciting discoveries and improved applied microbiology. This collection of papers from FEMS Microbiology Letters features various inspiring and useful state-of-the-art developments.

 State of the Art in Eukaryotic Nitrogenase Engineering
Stefan Burén, Luis M Rubio
Large inserts for big data: artificial chromosomes in the genomic era
Arianna Tocchetti, Stefano Donadio, Margherita Sosio
 Quantitative Imaging and Spectroscopic Technologies for Microbiology
Jagadish Sankaran, Andreas Karampatzakis, Scott A Rice, Thorsten Wohland
Laboratory scale photobiotechnology – Current trends and future perspective
Holger Morschett, Varun Loomba, Gregor Huber, Wolfgang Wiechert, Eric von Lieres, Marco Oldiges
 Alternative strategies for lignocellulose fermentation through lactic acid bacteria: state-of-the-art and perspectives
Loredana Tarraran, Roberto Mazzoli
Photoinactivation of bacteria by endogenous photosensitizers and exposure to visible light of different wavelengths ? A review on existing data
M. Hessling, M. Hessling, B. Spellerberg, K. Hoenes
 Novel sequencing technologies to support industrial biotechnology
Adalberto Costessi, Bartholomeus van den Bogert, Ali May, Emiel Ver Loren van Themaat, Johannes  Roubos, Marc Kolkman, Derek Butler, Walter Pirovano
 The importance of fermentative conditions for the biotechnological production of lignin modifying enzymes from white-rot fungi
Francesca Martani, Fabrizio Beltrametti, Danilo Porro, Paola Branduardi, Marina Lotti
 Metabolic Engineering of E. coli for the Production of Isoprenoids
Valerie C A Ward, Alkiviadis O Chatzivasileiou, Gregory Stephanopoulos
 Ask Not What Your Technician Can Do For You – Ask What You Can Do For Your Technician
L Ganderton





















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