microLife is the fully gold open access journal of the European Academy of Microbiology. One of its greatest features is the grand expertise of its Editorial Board. Discover their inspiring careers and backgrounds with these biographic articles exploring their path through science.
A microbiologist can’t let their sourdough die – the scientific life of Prof. Judith Behnsen, University of Illinois Chicago (USA), Section Editor for Gut microbiome; Fungal microbiome; Gnotobiotics; Salmonella pathogenesis; Nutritional immunity; Bacterial competition systems
Microbes live in a society, just like us – the scientific life of Prof. Philippe Sansonetti, Pasteur Institute (France), Editor for Molecular Microbial Pathogenesis
Living a bacterial lifestyle as an academic researcher – the scientific life of Melanie Blokesch, Assistant Professor at the Global Health Institute at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) (Switzerland)
microLife is our fully gold open access journal, reporting research of the highest standard, novelty and significance in microbiology and related disciplines. As the journal of the European Academy of Microbiology (EAM), microLife is run by leading microbiologists in their own fields. All microbes are covered, including bacteria, archaea, fungi, protists, parasites, and viruses. The journal is fully gold open access and all articles are free to read.
These spotlights were written in conjunction with Dr Sarah Wettstadt of Microbial Communications