We had such a great time at FEMS2023 in Hamburg! Thank you to all our speakers, exhibitors, sponsors, and attendees for creating such a wonderful atmosphere during all these fantastic sessions and talks. The microbiology community truly made each second count. We had over 1800 participants from over 70 countries join us to share all the latest developments across the broad scope of microbiology. We also want to thank our Sponsors & Exhibitors for making our Congress possible. Sign up to our Events Newsletter to stay in the loop for our future events.
We are already missing all our attendees so make sure you reconnect with your memories with our highlights video. Stay tuned to our YouTube channel for more videos from the Congress coming soon. A full photo album is available here: FEMS2023 Photo Gallery.

There is so much that we experienced together during our 5 days in this city. From our Opening Session learning about tracking pandemics with satellites from Rita Colwell, to getting inspired to teach microbiology with our FEMS-Lwoff Awardee, Kenneth Timmis. They were followed each morning by our amazing Plenary Speakers: Julia Vorholt, Jorge E. Galan, Carmen Buchrieser, and Paul Lehner.

We discussed many important topics for science in the Community Corner, from International Microorganism Day, to Inclusion & Diversity, and how to publish in the FEMS Journals. Having everyone come together in a relaxed and cosy community setting really made some moments of FEMS2023 incredibly special.

We all learned so much from everyone here: from our Plenary Speakers, to all the diverse research in the symposia and sessions, and of course seeing all the impressive research on show in the poster networking area. You never knew quite what you could discover weaving through the poster walls: from antibiotic uses for camel urine; to the microbiome of mouse poop from space; to deciphering the metabolic pathways of underappreciated microbes.

It was engaging to be able to learn about new research from the posters every day, and meet all the scientist from so many countries. Across FEMS2023, we had sessions not just on scientific research, but also on publishing, education, policy, science communication, scholarly societies, professional networking and more…

Finally, we enjoyed getting to relax with out fellow microbiologists at the Congress BBQ dinner on the banks of the Elbe river. After several days of focussed scientific discourse, it was a great way to build connections and let off steam before everyone had to make their way back home.

And we can’t wait to do it all again!
Save the date for FEMS2025, 13-16 July in Milan, Italy…