Introducing Scholarly Communications in the Digital Age For Letters Incubator


We are delighted to introduce the third Thematic Series for the Letters Incubator on Scholarly Communications in the Digital Age.

This Thematic Series aims to be a comprehensive resource that will explore the many challenging and strategic issues confronting scholarly communications. It is aimed at helping early career  researchers to successfully navigate the dynamic world of scholarly communications.

The guest editor for this Thematic Series is David Nicholas, who was one of the founders and is current Director of the international research group CIBER Research. This is a consultancy in the field of scholarly communications and reputation.

We interviewed David to find out more about why he decided to get involved with the Letters Incubator on this Thematic Series:

I want to reach and interact with a new, young and very strategic audience for whom scholarly communications are key… I want to bring a sense of light to a field which is dogged by controversy and opinion. The series will help early career researchers navigate a successful path through the field of scholarly communications.

David Nicholas, Guest Editor

You can read David’s editorial on the importance of this new Thematic Series here.

If you are interested in submitting your research to this new Scholarly Communications in the Digital Age Thematic Series, you can find more information here.

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