
Serbian Society for Microbiology / Udruzenje mikrobiologa Srbije


Branko Jovcic

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Serbian Society for Microbiology (RS-SSM)

The Serbian Society for Microbiology’s aims are:

  • gathering all the professional and scientific workers that engage in research in the field of microbiology; Improving and development of professional and scientific-research work of all the branches of microbiology
  • helping the improvement of education in various fields of microbiology on faculties and in other schools in the sense of improving experts in appropriate fields
  • popularization of scientific achievements of all the fields of microbiology
  • preparation and organization of scientific meetings (congress, symposium, counseling etc.) dedicated to general or special issues in domestic and international frames
  • 0rganization of lectures and visits of experts from abroad;. Permanent improvement of profession and encouraging exchange of personnel
Visit the society’s website