11th Annual Lab-on-a-Chip & Microfluidics World Congress 2019
The 11th Annual Lab-on-a-Chip & Microfluidics World Congress 2019 will focus many applications of Lab-on-a-Chip, from life science research, to taking diagnostics to the point-of-care/point-of-need and body-on-a-chip/organs-on-a-chip, LOAC device production technologies, novel designs/technologies for manufacture, the key application areas for LOAC from research to diagnostics as well as 3D-bioprinting and the convergence of microfluidics technologies with biofabrication and 3D-printing.
Registered delegates will have full access to the co-located and concurrent conferences to mix-and-match presentations and maximize networking:
- Lab-on-a-Chip and Microfluidics: Emerging Themes, Technologies and Applications 2019
- Lab-on-a-Chip and Microfluidics: Techologies, Companies and Commercialization 2019
- Point-of-Care Diagnostics and Global Health 2019
- Single Cells, Single Molecules & Vesicles Summit 2019
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