11th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP): 29 July-3 August 2018, USA
The ICPP2018: Plant Health in A Global Economy will take place on 29 July-3 August 2018 at Boston, USA.
Sponsored by ISPP and organized by the American Phytopathological Society (APS), this meeting will bring together researchers from diverse areas of plant health. Strong focus on the plant microbes and diseases provides ideas and collaborations for microbiologists.The meeting will also deliver an insight of plant health and its effect on economy from more than one perspectives which would include plant diseases.
Key topics
- Trade regulations
- Sustainable production
- The global spread of pathogens
- Innovations in pathogen detection
- Environmental protection for a growing population
- Agricultural systems for the future
- The impact of plant industries on the world economy
Important dates
Registration deadline: 21June 2018
Registration deadline for presenters: 1 May 2018
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