13th Yeast Lipid Conference (YLC13)
Dates: 17 – 19 May 2017
Location: AgroParisTech, Claude Bernard, Paris, France
The Yeast Lipid Conference (YLC) is an international scientific meeting held every second year to promote free discussion between scientists working on or interested in all aspects of yeast and fungal lipids. During the 13th YLC we would like to emphasise the participation of young researchers. Especially, for the young scientists, a special session dedicated to speed presentation of selected posters will be included. In addition, to facilitate exchange between scientists, we have included enough time for the poster sessions, selected short talks. During the 13th YLC both fundamental and applied aspects of the overall subject will be presented, thus allowing exchange between academic and non-academic scientists, and the growth of new partnerships across Europe.
Read the virtual issue related to the 13th Yeast Lipid Conference and compiled by Tristan Rossignol to highlight the excellent yeast lipid research published in FEMS Yeast Research and FEMS Microbiology Reviews.
Read also the previous Yeast Lipid Conference Report (YLC12): Lipids on Medieval Waters
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