Fighting AMR
16th European Meeting on HIV & Hepatitis - Treatment Strategies & Antiviral Drug Resistance, Italy
The European Meeting on HIV & Hepatitis is the premier European platform for clinicians, allied healthcare providers, researchers and clinical virologists to discuss the latest developments in antiviral therapy for HIV, HCV, and HBV and for translating them into new treatment strategies to further improve clinical care.
Founded sixteen years ago as the European HIV resistance workshop, the meeting evolved to embrace all aspects of clinical care of people living with HIV in Europe. Particular emphasis is put on optimal treatment strategies, clinical virology, molecular epidemiology and public health aspects of HIV, HBV and HCV infections throughout Europe.
In the last decade, the meeting has been able to capture leading clinicians and researchers from the different regions of Europe. As such, this meeting is the only European platform where HIV treating physicians and clinical virologists get together on an annual basis to present their latest research results and discuss their clinical implications in detail. The workshop has put a special emphasis on training young clinicians and scientists through clinical case discussions and parallel courses in collaboration with the European Society for Antiviral Research (ESAR).