
AMR in Focus Series

AMR in Focus is a new online event series. Launched as part of the Knocking Out AMR. project, the series will zoom in on some key solutions to the AMR crisis.

The events alternate between educational sessions to provide key skills in engaging across sectors, and scientific sessions bringing you up to date on cutting-edge research across the Knocking Out AMR priority solution areas (diagnostics and surveillance; and therapeutics and vaccines).

This event is free and all are welcome to attend.

A recording of this event will be made available exclusively to Microbiology Society members.

Sign up to attend this series via the ‘Registration’ tab. Instructions on how to join the Zoom session will be sent ahead of each seminar.

Please note all times listed on the programme are in UK time.

AMR in Focus is just one of many ways to get involved with the Knocking Out AMR project. Find out more on the Knocking Out AMR hub

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