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IChemE BioFutures Industry Skills Survey

The IChemE BioFutures programme, recently featured in The Chemical Engineer, was established to help IChemE better support and engage with the biosector and individuals working in it (particularly those who employ process, chemical and/or biochemical engineers).

We are currently conducting a  survey to engage with employers and representatives of the biosector to help map the process engineering skills they require from chemical engineers (more information about the survey and the link below). This will then ensure IChemE can provide the professional support and accreditation for engineers that develop, design and operate bioprocesses.

The survey asks a series of questions including what your organisations specialises in, the skills chemical and/or biochemical engineers have that you value, and the skills which you think chemical and/or biochemical engineers are currently lacking.

If you would like to contribute to the review of skills, please complete the survey using the link below. If you are aware of other individuals or parties who could provide useful input to this, please share this survey with them. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.


For more information on the BioFutures programme or to get involved, please visit our website or contact us at

BioFutures Survey
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