Biomass to Biobased Chemicals and Materials - Gordon Research Conference
Event takes place: July 14 – 19, 2019
This Biomass to Biobased Chemicals and Materials GRC is organized to integrate the following science and engineering activities that will enable a transformation to the manufacturing of chemicals and materials from biomass:
- “front end” strategies to deconstruct or fractionate lignocellulose into individual biomass components
- increasing the selectivity and efficiency of chemical and biological catalysts for biomass conversion technologies,
- selective lignin conversions that provide narrow compositional ranges of aromatic building blocks
- genetic engineer of plants to increase their susceptibility to deconstruction methods and as factories to produce natural and non-natural chemicals
- programing increasingly effective microbes (synthetic biology) that convert complex feedstocks to nearly homogenous products
Applications for this meeting must be submitted by June 16, 2019.
Financial assistance is available for qualified applicants through the GRC Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority Fellowship Program.
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