Bring your science communication activity to our congress!

Are you coming to FEMS2019? And are you organizing a science communication activity? Then boost your activity and apply to present it at our congress!

“Engage your Audience 2019” is an opportunity for early career microbiologists, PhD students and Post-docs, as well as supervisors to develop and showcase their skills as science communicators. This Round Robin event will provide an opportunity for microbiologists to bring their science communication activity to a conference and showcase it to peers and colleagues.


Apply to become a presenter in the 'engage your audience' round robin
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About the Round Robin session


  • inspire others to develop their own activities
  • provide feedback and constructive sessions for how activities could be adapted or honed
  • give an opportunity to try out an activity in a supportive, constructive environment
  • allow participants to develop or highlight their science communications skills


Each participant will be asked to demonstrate their activity as part of an hour-long event. Each activity should last for five minutes and participants should be prepared to demonstrate their event or activity to 8 different small group of peers and colleagues who will circulate around all 8 different activities.


The 8 participants presenting the activities, can state what they would like to obtain from the audience. It may be feedback on a brand-new activity that they would like to trial? Or perhaps it might simply be feedback on which part of the activity or event they enjoyed the most.