
Call for postdoctoral fellows in Molecular Medicine, Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine

We invite applications for seven NORPOD postdoctoral fellowship projects. The projects are offered as collaborations between two Nordic EMBL supervisors (PIs) across the four nodes of the Nordic EMBL Partnership. Each project has a main supervisor, who will host the NORPOD Fellow at his/her node’s host university, while collaborating with a co-supervisor from a different Nordic EMBL node.

As a NORPOD Fellow, you will develop a collaborative project under the supervision of two Nordic EMBL PIs at two different sites. You will obtain a 30-month-full time postdoctoral employment at the host institution of the main project supervisor.

As a NORPOD Fellow you will travel for short or long-term stays to the collaborating supervisor’s lab to promote collaboration and carry out parts of the research project. You will gain access to state-of-the-art core facilities and platforms available in the wider network of the Nordic EMBL Partnership. You also participate and contribute to strengthening your personal and professional development. You will advance the goals of the Nordic EMBL Partnership by fostering synergies and research excellence.

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