Carbohydrates - Gordon Research Conference
This event takes place: June 23 – 28, 2019
The important roles of carbohydrates in human homeostasis, immunology, allergy, transplantation, microbial and viral infection, host-microbe interaction, cancer, etc. have been increasingly recognized.
Carbohydrates GRC brings together experts and emerging investigators to present cutting-edge research progresses and to openly discuss ideas and future directions in the carbohydrate field.
Major topics:
- carbohydrate structures and glycomics to synthetic strategies
- carbohydrate biosynthesis and degradation enzymes
- carbohydrate-based prebiotics and therapeutics
- glycoimmunology and chemical glycobiology
- human and microbial glycomes
- carbohydrates in host-microbe interactions.
The conference will feature 29-31 invited talks, 12-16 short talks selected from submitted abstracts, and 4 poster preview sessions. The goal of the conference is to advance the field of carbohydrates which will greatly facilitate the improvement of human health.
Applications for this meeting must be submitted by May 26, 2019
Financial assistance is available for qualified applicants through the GRC Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority Fellowship Program.