
Group Leader in Data-Driven Epidemiology and Biology of Infection: Sweden

Together with The Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS) and the SciLifeLab & Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS), Umeå University is looking for two excellent young researchers to become Group Leaders.

Fellowships are targeted towards applicants to start their first independent group within a few years of their PhD. We offer generous funding for up to 9 years, conditional upon favourable review after four years. Data driven epidemiology and biology of infection covers research that will transform our understanding of pathogens, their interactions with hosts and the environment, and how they are transmitted through populations. Research will have a strong focus on computational analysis or predictive modeling of pathogen biology or host-microbe systems for which multidimensional, genome scale experimental data are now available, or it may use population scale genetic, clinical, or public health data from pathogen surveillance efforts and biobanks.

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