Grants & funding

I2CELL Seed Award from the Fourmentin-Guilbert Foundation

While cell biology is commonly making references to information processing in relation to DNA and genetics, there is a further scope for analysing biological processes in light of computer sciences concepts.

The Fourmentin-Guilbert Foundation has launched the I2CELL (from Information to Cells) initiative to enlighten the “cell as a computer” hypothesis and foster a research community on using information processing concepts and tools in biology.

The I2CELL initiative started in February 2018 with a seminar. Biologists, physicists and computer scientists debated on a broad range of subjects to explore analogies between cells and computers that could inspire new research. The September 2018 issue of EMBO reports summarized the discussions.

The I2CELL initiative now continues with the I2CELL Seed Award to stimulate new experiments exploiting the concept of information in biology.

The Award:

• supports an experimental research project exploring the algorithmic processing of information in biological systems.

• provides a fixed funding grant of 250,000 euros.

• is intended for Principal Investigators.

• encourages a collaboration with computer scientists.

The quality of such a collaboration is key for proposal evaluation but the Letter of Intent must mention only one applicant leading the research project.

The deadline for entries is: April 19, 2019

More information and the guidelines on:

The template of Letter Of Intent can be downloaded from this page: (section ”How to apply?”). It will guide candidates to design a project fulfilling important requirements.


Twitter: @I2Cell

About the Fourmentin-Guilbert Foundation:
The Fourmentin-Guilbert Foundation, a French non-profit organisation, was created in 1990 by Jean Fourmentin-Guilbert to foster new concepts in biology. Through the organisation of seminars and the support of specific projects, the Foundation has helped scientists to progress our understanding of living systems.

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